Weird experience

666izzy Posts: 42 Member
Not really sure where to post this, but I had such a weird experience last night that I want to share it! I bumped into a friend, who I've not seen for some months. After saying, "Hello" he asked me if I've been ill. Thinking he was just referring to the fact that we'd not see each other for some time, I replied, "No, I've just been busy."
"But you've lost a load of weight."
"Yes - three stones. I've gone down from 13 stone to under 10!", I replied, feeling pleased that I've lost enough weight that people notice.
"So is that because you've been ill?"he asked.
By now, I was getting a bit confused, so I said, "No, I've not been ill; I've just lost some weight."
"Oh, right," he said, "Well you look like you're ill. You used to have curves in all the right places."
Now, I have a lot of good friends around me, who would say something if they thought I was losing too much weight - none of them have said a word. My BMI is still about 22 so towards the higher end of the healthy weight range. I really haven't lost much off my boobs and now have a waist so I'd say I was more curvy now than when I weighed more. I was so mystified by the whole conversation I used my empty glass as an excuse to walk away to get another drink!

Anybody else had weird comments about their weight loss?
