week 3 weigh in

newday1981 Posts: 41 Member
Ladies! We are on week 3. Hope you all had a great week and enjoy your Valentine's day. Any holiday can be difficult, with all the temptation of chocolate and sweets. Let's do our best to not overdue it and continue to watch our calorie intake.

For week 3 weigh in, I am now at 180.


  • ESHRINER43783
    ESHRINER43783 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, I was not very happy with my results this week only lost .6lbs. I'm going to work hard this week and get back on track. I also over indulged on Valentines day too now I'm feeling guilt. So not worth it.
  • CassandraEldridge
    CassandraEldridge Posts: 56 Member
    i'm not losing... I'm not very happy :sad:
  • agronx
    agronx Posts: 42 Member
    I had a sort of binge week. I gained 1 pound. :(