Introducing me (new and old members!)



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    Hi Pidge,

    Love love love seeing you around again! heehee!! ^_^

    Hi Mandy,

    I'm also 5'9" and was shocked when I hit the 300's. I'm now six pounds away from 165 (the top of our normal BMI rate, right?). I've got the losing weight part down, it's not easy, but I know how it works for me.

    I had weight loss surgery last June which helped immensely but I'm now able to gain weight again. I see a lot of WLS folks who don't learn new habits and gain it back. "Surgery is not the answer, it is just a tool" is a mantra they teach us

    The patterns taught by the WLS program would have helped me avoid the gain in the first place, and they will help me keep it off. Even though a smaller stomach helped, I strongly believe people can lose weight without surgery.

    This group is all about supporting each other no matter which path they take. Welcome!

  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hi Pidge! You sound like several of my really good friends. :) They are very much into to the sci-fi/fantasy/con/cosplay stuff and I get to enjoy it by proxy. It fascinates me, but just not to the same degree. On that note, have you heard of and/or read "The League" series by Sherrilyn Kenyon? Sort of a futuristic sci-fi romantic drama series about a group of trained assassins. Really good, one of my friends turned me on to it, and I've read almost all of them at this point. I think there are 6 or 7 in the series currently.

    Hi Mark! Congrats on your loss so far. I am impressed and hope I can do the same... I hate barely fitting into the largest clothes available in stores. :( I remember how good it felt to just get 50 pounds off. I imagine an additional 100 on top of it would make walking feel like floating. Also, I just finished a bottle of water and have plans for walking later after it cools off and isn't 100 degrees anymore (or at least feeling like 100 degrees)....

    Hi Paula! I'm glad WLS worked for you! My cousin did that and dropped about 150 pounds, then promptly got pregnant, gained a lot of it back and is now fighting to get it off again. She looks amazing, and I'm incredibly proud of her. The surgery isn't really isn't something that fits in our budget right now, and my current insurance doesn't cover it. So I'm gonna give it one more "natural" try, and then if my new insurance (which I'll get this summer) covers it, I'll give WLS serious consideration. I think I just need to drop my "emotional eating" habit... Whenever I'm bored, happy, sad, excited, stressed, anxious, angry, whatever... I just want to eat. I don't drink alcohol very often (maybe 1 drink a month, if that), I don't smoke, I've never done drugs... Sometimes I find myself eating just so I have something to do with my hands! I need to develop some new hobbies. My MIL is giving me a sewing machine, so I'll have that to play with and learn a new skill. :)

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I appreciate it and hope I can keep this up! It will be much easier now that graduation is over, and I've only got 1 more move in the immediate future. Moving every August is basically hell. Last year when we moved from Texas back to SC I consumed boxes of chocolate. Literally a box a day. For nearly a week before we left. I need better "fidgeting" habits!
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    Hi there. *waves* I just found this group (thanks, dward59, for referencing it in the main forums!)

    What to call me: You can call me by my internet nickname, Weeble, or my MFP user name, Weblur. I answer to either. I will probably change my MFP profile name to reflect Weeble at some point. That nickname is because Weebles were one of my favorite toys as a child (the original ones - they were heavy and solid so I could relate to them!). Also, because I am terribly clumsy, often wobbling but not falling down. I suppose it could also describe my shape: 4'11.5" with a high weight of 347 (CW 326).

    Birthday: February babies are the best babies!

    Where I'm from: I am from New York state

    Weight loss goals: I have something like 200 pounds to lose. I've never been in a healthy weight range so I am not sure what my ultimate goal weight is.

    My maxim: Um, I steal other people's quotes and put them on my profile. Haven't settled on one yet.

    A little more about me: Ack, this is hard. I babble a bit on my profile and it is open to MFP members so you are welcome to look at that... I log my food daily. I am not an abstainer; I lost 60 or so pounds refraining from flour & sugar but I fell off that wagon hard and regained almost double. I work with kids, which never ceases to surprise me because I hated childhood and was a terrible cynic as a teenager/young adult.

    I started MFP 100% determined. Sometimes I get scared and wonder if I'm going to fall and not get back up again. Hmmm, I definitely better change my user name to include Weeble so I stop worrying.

    Anyway, I am really glad I found this group. I've just dipped into the NSV thread and am impressed by the positive, resilient attitude of the group members and the successes you have achieved.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Nice to meet you both FeraFilia and Weeble. Things have been getting a bit quiet around here. Feel free to start threads, or jump right into the waters as they exist! Stir things up in a positive way and this group will respond. (Don't tell them, but I think we've got a great group on here and I'm excited to see Robyn, AKeel and you all starting to post. The broader the experience base, the more we can all learn.)

  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Sorry my welcome to new and old friends is late!!! I have been in my own world and missed seeing these updates!!
    I'm glad your back pidge and a big welcome to weeble and Mandy! It's a great group, for slow movers, fast movers, every day posters, weekly posters and mostly for unconditional support! I look forward to getting to know everyone further

    And um happy late birthday Mark! :)
  • leefuuxx
    leefuuxx Posts: 28 Member
    What to call me: Brytnie :)
    Birthday: aug 16
    Where I'm from: Florida
    Weight loss goals: 150lbs, I'm currently 290 :)
    My maxim: never give up.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    What to call me: Ray or Pirate Chick or TPC (stands for That Pirate Chick)

    Birthday: April 19

    Where I'm from: currently living in Northern Virginia

    Weight loss goals: I want to be at the lowest healthy weight for my height 123lbs. My highest recorded weight is 291 (I know I topped out higher than that), my current weight is 235 give or take a few water weight pounds.

    My maxim:
    “Deal with yourself as an individual, worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way.” ― Nikki Giovanni

    A little more about me: I am a divorced parent of a teenage girl, I love all things awesome. I collect Hot Toys and Michael Jackson memorabilia I must be entertained or trouble ensues. I am quite easy to amuse but extremely hard to impress.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    I just noticed that I never did!

    What to call me: Malia

    Birthday: Jan.15th 1983

    Where I'm from: Maui Hi

    Weight loss goals: From 250lbs to 140lbs... I am currently 220lbs

    A little about myself: I am the head concierge @ Kauhale Makai in Kihei Hi. I love nature and being outdoors, hiking, camping, snorkeling, bird watching, whatever it is I like being outside with nature :) Luckily my job allows me to do a lot of these things complimentary :wink: at least when I'm not sitting here at this desk, lol! I also have a passion for dance and would love to take some latin ballroom classes after I lose a few more lbs... Cooking is another one of my passions, I'm just making healthier dishes than I did before. I enjoy long walks on the beach and I'm a Capricorn... LOL :tongue:
  • seren1ty74
    seren1ty74 Posts: 171 Member
    What to call me: Em
    Birthday: 11/26/74
    Where I'm from: New Haven, CT
    Weight loss goals: Highest weight: 330 or so. Current weight: 298. Short term goal: lose 40 lbs. by the end of 2014. Ultimate goal: 150 lbs.
    My maxim: I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
    A little more about me:
    Hi, I'm 38, never married/no kids. I work as an administrative assistant, I love movies, all kinds of music, theater, hiking, museums, day trips, game nights, and volunteering.

    Looking for consistent, positive support and hope to return the favor to you all!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Welcome, Em, and Brytnie.

    Malia, sigh, you could have still forbore the post. I don't know when it happened, but somehow I turned that corner from being a peer on these boards to being old enough to be "Dad" lol!

    Have fun and keep losing, kid!

  • tori1212014
    tori1212014 Posts: 51 Member
    What to call me: Tori
    Birthday: February 19, 1993
    Where I'm from: Atglen, Pennsylvania
    Weight loss goals: 180 lbs (My Max was 290 lbs)
    A little more about me: I'm the oldest of four siblings. I'm going to graduate college in May 2015 with my BS in Forensic Science and I'm planning on going into Computer Forensics. I'm looking to make friends to have support in my weight loss goal.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Welcome Tori :)
  • Icoza87
    Icoza87 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi All! I just joined this group and am excited to be able to be a part of it. My currently weight loss goal is 115 lbs.

    What to call me: Vanessa
    Birthday: 1/7/87
    Where I'm from: Minneapolis, MN
    Weight loss goals: Roughly 115 lbs loss. I'm sure that'll change at some point
    My maxim: I dont really have one yet
    A little more about me: About a year ago I weighed 60 lbs less than I do today. I had just lost 45 lbs and was feeling great when i changed jobs and got complacent. At first the weight gain was slow.. about 20 lbs in 5 months. Then, I quit smoking. I gained 40 lbs in 3 months. I've been maintaining/losing/gaining the same 10 lbs for about 5 months now. I just got engaged to an amazing man. I've been physically miserable and emotionally tormenting myself and I've decided that I just can't live like this anymore. I'm on a journey of physical and emotional healing. I want to learn to love myself again and finally achieve this goal that I've been striving for.

    I look forward to learning and achieving with you all!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hi, Vanessa, welcome to the group. I hope you find us to be a fun group, I know from my own experience, that we are a supportive group.

    Jump in anywhere! :)

    P.S. Congrats on your engagement!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    OMG! I just realized how many people have joined since I last visited. I'm sorry I didn't post a greeting and hope you're enjoying the group and your weight loss journey.

    My name is LeAnna, and it's good to meet you all. Again, I'm sorry for being so late, and I will do better at greeting the new's wasn't that long ago, I was the new kid on the block myself. :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I am once again in love with this thread!

    I see that some of our fearless leaders and long-term residents have updated their information, and I thought I would as well (I don't know if I ever did, but if so, it was a while back.)

    My name is LeAnna though a lot of people call me LeeLee or Sis. I am the 7th of 10 children, and oddly am the only one called Sis...even my Mom calls me Sister!

    And I have to mention that I am also a computer gamer. I LOVE "Left 4 Dead", and other shoot 'em up games, and I've played every version of the Sims franchise since the beginning.

    I'm 52 years old, which is a constant source of amazement to me as I'm sure I was 30 last year. I've been with my Mister...the "loveband" for nearly 16 years of unwedded bliss-ishness. I have never had children as all my many siblings seem to have taken all the reproductive genes and left me with only my wit and a well-developed sense of irony.

    I could type a laundry list of reason why I never took proper care of myself and indulged in such self-destructive behaviors, but let's just say I've learned (and am learning) from my mistakes and am doing better these days. I am not trying to diet or deny myself anything. I'm just trying to learn how to live with food in a way that is not obsessive or abnormal, and to become the kind of person who exercises regularly. My mantra is two-fold: First, don't apply a temporary solution to a permanent problem, and secondly, No Excuses! It's a process; some days I do better than others, but the most days I do better.

    At my heaviest weight I was 278, but that is the last time I actually weighed. I'm not sure how much larger than that I may have gone...elastic is so forgiving, isn't it? But at 5'4", I was as round as I was tall. And I got sick because of it, with the usual suspect...diabetes, plus a fatty liver and blah, blah, blah. Thankfully, all things that were within my power to change. So I made the commitment to myself to learn to do the right things. I'm currently at 217, but my goal is to be 150, or whatever weight my body says it's comfortable while living a healthy lifestyle.

    I got involved with MFP in October of last year. Since joining MFP I do not go one day without it. It is my lifeline! It really has been an invaluable tool in my weight loss. And the people I've met here have been so kind and supportive. I've learned (Thank you Dan) that one of the best ways to motivate myself is to motivate others.
  • Fat2Fit2Fineee
    Hi! just joined right now :)

    What to call me: Sonia
    Birthday: Sept. 1
    Where I'm from: I'm from Southern California (born and raised)
    Weight loss goals: I put in a # cause you have to on here but I literally just want to be healthy and LOVE my reflection
    My maxim: It's something I made up "Don't Judge This Book By Its Unfinished Cover"
    A little more about me: Going through a divorce and life never felt so sweet! I love animals and nature and of course FITNESS! Going back to school soon and can't wait. Hoping to meet lots of motivating friends on here too.

    Feel free to add me too, I add everyone back :heart:
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Welcome Sonia!

    It has been a while since we saw this thread used. Honestly it has been a bit slow in the group, I'm hoping because it is Summer and we are all out being active and having fun.

    Please feel free to join in or even start topics if there is something you want to chat about. We love optimism here, and I hope we can help you recapture yours.

    I'm one of the moderators of the group, but I have to admit that I've gotten so busy away from the computer that I often feel I'm neglecting my duties. Thankfully we have Malia and Mark to help carry the load.

    Feel free to drop any of us a message if you want or need to and please feel comfortable and free to help spur us on with any exercise challenges you come up with. Some of us (ok ME - rather I) may be old enough to never be Fine, I am working my way to Fit and that is a great goal in itself.

    Again Welcome!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Welcome to the group, Sonia. As Dan said, please feel free to jump in anywhere. :)

    I am staying more busy now that summer is here. And lots going on at work, too. Mostly it's nice that I actually feel like being busier and am not hiding indoors every chance I get.
  • sahm2mandm
    sahm2mandm Posts: 8 Member
    New here!

    Halloween, I'm 36
    Live in MA, USA
    I want to get under 200lbs, then get to 130. SO I have about 140lbs left to lose.
    Married 8 years the end of the month, have two kids 7 yr old son, and almost 4 yr old daughter. I'm a SAHM. Trying to lose weight on a very tight budget is HARD. But I'm committed to doing it.