Focus T 25 tracking/ TurboJam

Hello, my name is Carol i am 23 and I am doing Focus T25 with turbojam. I have been a user of MFP but was never consistent with it. Also, I have gained the weight, lost the weight and have gained it all back . My ideal weight is 130, last year i started off at148 and finally got to my goal weight in less then a year. unfortunately, I am back to 151:/ I am looking for new friends on here to help me stay motivated and to share results with. Feel free to add me:)


  • peggy2580
    Hey Carol! I'm 21 and have just started T25. My goal is to be 130 too. It be great to have someone to do it with and we can keep each other motivated!!
  • Lauraneedtodothis
    Hello There!

    My name is Laura and I'm goal is 130 as well and would start T25 today. I'm looking to do this with a group , so I can stay on track!!!

    hope we can all help each other!