Data Base Exercise calorie burner vs. Gym Machine amount?

seamom Posts: 18 Member
Should I believe the calorie counter on the data base for machine exercise? For example, the elliptical I work out on calculates the calories I burned for the 35 minutes or so that I am on it. The calories noted are a lot lower than the calories the data base for the same amount of time. Does the data base take into account my current weight and that is why it is so many more calories burned? Or is it all just a big estimate? I would love to put in the calories burned that the data base says I burned for that amount of time, but I have underestimated in manually putting in what the gym machine recorded. On a side note, is anyone having difficulty with the pedometer they gave us? If I wear it too high (like on the waist band of my skirt) it doesn't record all my steps. It is annoying because then I can't challenge myself to get more steps in if it has only recorded that I have gone 1,000 to 2,000. My typical day can easily be 6,000 steps, so it is annoying to see the pedometer not recoding accurately.

Friday nights are still hard for me. It is the end of the week and I still have in my mind (although it is weak), "I deserve to sit down to a pizza or cheesy baked potato." Trying to break the habit of eating in front of the TV altogether so that when I do transition into real food, I won't be tempted to mindlessly tune out my brain.

Hope you have a good three day weekend.


  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    I think it might be a bit of a guess with the machines, but I would believe the calculation that takes into account your weight. When I work out at the gym, it is guessing that I weigh a lot less. Not sure if that's what you were asking. If you can plug in your current weight before working out, then I would imagine the the gym machine will be more accurate than MFP.

    I agree with you -- weekends are really rough! It took a good three or 4 weeks for me to not want a glass of wine on Friday night! I do indulge in my chicken broth on the weekends when I start to feel more hungry, but I'm also trying to busy myself and practice techniques for turning away from food. I'm a work in progress on this...:wink:
  • seamom
    seamom Posts: 18 Member
    Christygb, The machine at the gym doesn't ask for the weight, so I am guessing then it isn't really that accurate. I still adjust down though when I am plugging it into MFP just to be on the safe side. The important thing I am trying to get back into my life is regular exercise. Every time I have dropped that habit I have gained weight. Intellectually I know the proper formula, increase exercise, decrease calories. I am off this week, so my mind is turning to "I am bored" mode and I am picturing old habit of searching the cabinet. Luckily, I am so motivated that I just drink water, make a cup of decaf or chew sugar free gum. Trying to keep my mind and hands busy. Journaling helps, both here (online) and in my good old fashioned leather bound journal. Glad there is another human being (or two) out there that is going through my same journey. My motivator is a tiny little baby boy, my newborn grandson. I got to hold him this afternoon while his mama and daddy went out to run some errands. Perfect baby!
  • sfgeekygirl
    sfgeekygirl Posts: 1 Member
    For the record, I can enter my weight into my elliptical (and do), and I enter my exercise on MFP. MFP ALWAYS provides a much more inflated number--even though both tools know my weight. Given that, and a little googling, I do think MFP is being a little too kind. That said, like you my goal is to regularly exercise--so I just put in the activity and the time and let the universe take care of the rest ;)