Would love advice getting back into running

saravecc Posts: 6 Member
I ran competitively in HS & College... kept up with the running post college for a while... then had babies... I ran in between pregnancies too but now am back at it after my last pregnancy.. (My twins are now 3 so we are way past getting medical clearance)

I am quite out of shape compared to the good old glory days but miss running and want to get back into it.

I signed up for a 10K that is in 6 weeks... my goal was just to not walk really

Right now I can jog 5 miles so I'm fairly certain I can (at a snails pace) do the 10k

I'm just wondering what to do to get back into it. I'm finding myself running one long run a week right now long for me is 4-5 miles...

Any suggestions for frequency/other work outs? Or maybe apps to use for a running plan?



  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I think something like www.myasics.com could be a good idea for you. You input information like how far can you currently run, when is your race, what is your goal time (if you have one) and it'll develop a running plan for you to get you ready for your race. There are options of how many weekly runs you want to do, I think 2-4 a week.

    I am currently using the Zen Labs Couch210K app, it's like C25K but continues to build you up to 10k. It's five weeks from the end of the 5k part until it gets you up to 10k. Seeing as you can already run 5 miles I think this might be a bit too basic for you, but perhaps if you could do 3 runs a week you could follow weeks 13 and 14. If you are interested they are:

    Week 13 Day 1: (Run 22 min, walk 1 min) x2
    Week 13 Day 2: (Run 25 min, walk 1 min) x2
    Week 13 Day 3: (Run 30 min, walk 1 min) x2
    Week 14 Days 1-3: Run 60 min

    Once you've got the 60 minutes running sorted then keep adding a bit more every week until you are at 10k.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    How about 3-4 weekday runs of an easy 3mi?
  • saravecc
    saravecc Posts: 6 Member
    Great thanks everyone!! I'll check out the site and also probably the other suggestions sound great too.
  • julie_emma1
    I agree with aiming for 3 (or maybe 4) days per week of easy 3 or 4 miles. Once you get used to that, you can worry about upping the distance of those runs. Good luck!
  • saravecc
    saravecc Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks!! I did a program on the Asiscs site - it's awesome! It pretty much has me doing the rec 3-4 miles with some variation on pacing..... Perfect!