Recovery Road App

amina_a10 Posts: 75 Member
Hey friends,

Sorry I've been a bit MIA around here. I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to let you all know about this awesome app I downloaded yesterday. It's called Recovery Road, or RR. It's available for Android, iPhone, and I believe Blackberry (don't quote me on that). Basically, it has you log your food (just what you ate, not amounts) and also write down your feelings, if you binged/restricted and what triggered that, etc. I really like it so far. It also has a part of the app full of "Coping tactics", another area with nice quotes, and every time you finish logging, you'll get a cute picture/quote. I know it sounds kind of lame and cheesy, but I'm really excited to be using it. I think being mindful will really help me with my recovery. You also take a little assessment every 28 days about your eating habits/body image and it tells you how many standard deviations you are above the healthy average. I'm hoping to see mine go down. :) It also graphs your days so you can see the days you had some kind of disordered eating, whether that is bingeing, purging, starving yourself, etc. Anyways, just wanted to share about this app, and I hope some of you all will be able to utilize it.