Let's Hear Some Updates!



  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Glad your LO turned head down, tcrofford! I felt my little girl drop on Wednesday, and she stayed that way for the entire day... definitely an odd feeling as a FTM. But just as quickly as she dropped, she decided to go back to being transverse again today. I hope she decides to go head down for good in the following weeks (~10ish weeks to go).

    I had my 30 week visit yesterday. I feel like time is going to pass much more quickly now that I have visits every 2 weeks. I haven't had the best luck at the OB office I've decided to stick with until I met my doctor a couple months ago. She is awesome and definitely has a calming affect on me. She told me she's leaving the practice and this week is her last week. I'm trying very hard not to be devastated. I know that she may not have been my doctor on the day of delivery anyway, but not seeing her at my visits anymore will suck :brokenheart:

    My hubby and I finally took a hospital tour of L&D this week. I was excited to have this demystified, but as soon as I stepped into the birthing suite I felt like I couldn't breathe. This has been real to me, but it all of a sudden got hi-def!!! :laugh: The first things I said to my hubby after the tour were, "I'm scared," and "I'm not ready." FTM jitters!!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    So many good updates!

    stephysd - Congrats on the placenta moving! I know I was measuring big with my son. THey projected him to be 8.5-9lbs at 40 weeks. I was terrified when I went overdue how big he'd be. 7lbs 12. Those ultrasound are so not great with estimates, glad you have the right attitude about it though. Sorry about the sick kids and upcoming surgery, but awesome you're getting nesting done.

    tcrofford - Woo! Head down! So happy babies are cooperating!

    qhiggins86 - So sorry about your doctor. I've given my husband instructions that if 2 of the 4 OBs aren't the ones on call and mine wont come in (she said she will but she has 3 small children so I know things can happen) that I will take ANY midwife. 2 of the OBs just rub me the wrong way (I've delivered 2 babies through the practice already and know who I like and who I don't-mostly because of how rough they are and not calming). I'm hoping my OB can deliver this baby like she did the last 2 (but I was lucky and my babies chose to come when she was on call - hopefully this baby will be as accommodating). L&D tour scared the crap out of me too! I saw a mommy going home and she looked like death - eyes glazed over staring at the floor as they wheeled her out. All I could think of is that'll be me in a few short weeks! Totally normal to be scared and not ready. I thought I was ready with my son since I went so overdue I just wanted pregnancy to be over! I was still scared though, and we're never fully prepared. I'm definitely ready for this baby to come once the time is right though! I'm having trouble picking up my 2.5 year old, at least the 14 month old is pretty light still. I know after the initial 2 weeks after birth I'm stronger and better able to handle physical tasks (like walking! haha!) with the baby out. My mom always told me that you get so miserable at the end to make you look forward to labor instead of dreading it. I have found this to be true!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    36 weeks along as of yesterday. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment and have the Group Strep B testing. Not looking forward to it :oP

    But super excited to be in the final countdown. Have been having lots of Braxton Hick contractions all during the day but they always die out at night. Which is good. Lena needs to bake at least a couple more weeks. I forgot how uncomfortable those contractions can be though. Good thing your body does some practice ones to warm-up before the big day.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    This is my second (and last) baby and I am looking forward to having my body back. I've basically been pregnant for two years. I'm in the doctor's office every week on average 3 times a week to do fetal monitoring plus my normal appointment... not to whine but I'm just tired of all the running around. She's totally worth it of course, but I want to be DONE!

    Speaking of which, my husband and I have been talking over birth control options since I don't want to go back on synthetic hormones. I also don't want to have my tubes tied because these days they do it with clips or clamps, they don't physically cut them anymore. So if hubby won't get a vasectomy then I'll probably just get an IUD.

    Almost 33 weeks and it's starting to get hot in Vegas - so glad I won't be super pregnant during the dead heat of summer!
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    34 weeks and she can come at any time now. Waiting (im)patiently!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    34 weeks and she can come at any time now. Waiting (im)patiently!

    LOL, I feel the same way!!! My hospital doesn't have a NICU and only likes to have babies 35 weeks and older (which I will be on Sunday). HOWEVER, I know the longer baby bakes the better - and after having my first two go overdue (13 days and 6 days) I am holding out little hope of going anytime soon. I finished packing my bag, so I'm hoping that'll tell her I'm ready and she'll be ready. Would LOVE the end of April first day of May to have a baby (37 weeks) would be awesome!

    Sigh, hang in there everyone!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Speaking of which, my husband and I have been talking over birth control options since I don't want to go back on synthetic hormones. I also don't want to have my tubes tied because these days they do it with clips or clamps, they don't physically cut them anymore. So if hubby won't get a vasectomy then I'll probably just get an IUD.

    My husband will be getting a vasectomy after this baby, but I will also be getting a Mirena IUD put in as well again. We have been told that it can take up to 3 years for a vasectomy to become 'effective' and both of our sons were conceived while I was on birth control pills. The IUD was the only birth control that was effective for us. So to not risk a fourth baby that is our plan.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    37 weeks today and I was so certain that I was starting labor yesterday afternoon. We had a weekend getaway with our sons before the baby came. All day Saturday, we were outside at three different parks. This mama was up and moving or walking for 6 hours straight which is not normally something I do. Then we spent the evening swimming in the hotel. Sunday when we got home I headed straight for the couch to lay down as I was exhausted. Contractions started around 3pm and were regular but about every 25 to 30 minutes apart. Stayed that way all afternoon, but eventually died away around 10pm. I was so incredibly bummed this morning!

    I had to laugh at my family, because I must have looked like hell. My husband was at his parent's house helping with some farm chores and I kept trying to call him to let him know to keep his phone by him. Took 2 hours to get a hold of him (and he got a butt chewing by the time I did). When I finally was able to talk to him I knew his parents were close by, so I started the sentence with 'Don't change your facial expression, but I am having contractions.' When he got home, he said the minute I said 'Hello' he could tell something was off.

    Then my mom called around 4pm to see if my sons wanted to come play for a couple of hours before supper. We usually always have Sunday dinner or supper at my parent's with my siblings. I told her that would be great and she said she would come and get them (they live just a mile down the road from us). She walks in and I am laying on the couch and the boys are with me and we are watching a movie. She looks at me and starts asking me 20 questions and accusing me of lying about what is going on. I finally told her they were not that serious and if they turned into serious ones I would let her know. But even if they did, she would have the kids which is where they are going while I am in the hospital so it's not that big of a deal.

    Today I am achy, but nothing going on. It's suppose to be semi-nice today (in the 40's) so I am hoping to go for a couple of walks during my work breaks. Hopefully that will get things moving along this week.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    34 weeks and she can come at any time now. Waiting (im)patiently!

    Wish granted! Lucky girl!

    I have my 34 week appointment tomorrow. I spotted a little last week, but nothing to be concerned about. I have a baby shower at work on Wednesday, another family baby shower this weekend in Colorado (I live in Arizona), and one more next weekend at my house that my sister-in-law planned for me. I definitely feel loved and I hope she doesn't come before all of that happens!

    The end of May cannot come soon enough though, that's for sure. :ohwell:
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    stephysd - 37 weeks! Awesome! I would be welcoming labor too! I'm so sorry the contractions went away.

    qhiggins - Have fun at your Baby Showers!!!

    I had some contractions start up on Saturday (I am now 35 weeks). I was totally ok with it (though I'd love for baby to come at 37/38weeks, both of my kids were late - 13 days and 6 days). My husband was doing the this isn't normal, start timing them and got pissed that I was dismissive of them for hours because "I don't have early babies." He was not thrilled with me and made me download a contraction app. As I figured, they went away once I was able to lay down once the kids went to bed. Sure made me nervous to face down labor again! I'm hoping maybe a little earlier/smaller baby would mean less tearing this time - I had a 3rd deg tear then a 2nd deg tear - I hate the healing process.

    Let's bring on some healthy May babies anytime!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I would certainly hope that none of the rest of us have a baby preterm, I'm hoping Emma stays put till at least 39 weeks! I understand wanting a smaller baby though - one of my friends just pushed out an almost 10 lb boy and oh goodness, LOL.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Contractions started back up Monday morning at 10am at about 20 minutes apart and lasting 25-30 seconds. They progressively got closer so I called the midwife at 3pm as they were 8 minutes apart but still the 25-30 seconds. They were not too uncomfortable yet, but I did pass my mucus plug and my back was aching something fierce. Of course, I was at work and could not go lay down. She said if I wanted to come to the clinic she would check me and see if anything was going on. Hubby was actually home on time from work, so we headed an hour and fifteen minutes to the clinic at 4:15pm. We knew we would get there after the clinic closed, but my midwife was on call so she said that she would be around and just to call when we got there. I did so and the after hours answering service told me I had to go to the hospital. I tried to explain that she was expecting me, but they kept insisting. Told the hubby we were not going to the hospital yet. So we went and had supper and contractions were then 5 minutes apart still at the 25-30 seconds and not super uncomfortable yet. We went to store walked around a little bit and then finally decided we would go to the hospital since they were not letting up and it was 7pm. So this was the best part that started getting me pissy. Both me and the hubby forgot how to get to the labor and delivery unit at the hospital, so it was a good thing we had this practice run. I call the clinic again as it is the only number I have and get the answering service, but new lady. Explain that we are at the hospital but unsure where to go and asked if she could transfer us to the OB unit. She says she will transfer us to my midwife's cell phone. 30 seconds later, I am talking to my midwife. She questioned why I never came after 5 and I told her what had happened. She was mad and said that they are never to give advice but to always put the call through to whoever is the midwife on call. So she was there waiting for me and all the rest of this stupid nonsense could have been skipped!!! Got admitted in, hooked up to the monitor, and once I was laying down relaxing they died out at 8pm. They had me walk the hallways for an hour and they never started back up.
    Plus side is I am dilated 1.5 cm and cervix was starting to soften. Negative side I am super pissed with myself. Seriously - this is my third child. You would think I would know when I am in labor. I kept telling my hubby and the doctor when they asked how bad the contractions were that they were not that bad. If I was at home this would be the point where I would get in the tub and soak for an hour or so to see what happens. But they have been stressing with my fast labors that I need to be proactive and make sure we get on the road. So I was trying to be proactive, especially with how close together they had gotten.
    Told the husband on the way home last night though that it is a good thing that he has his delivery kit packed because next time we are not leaving until I am 100% positive and to the point I can't take the pain like we did the last two pregnancies. He'll just have to hope that they extra 45 minutes we have to drive this pregnancy won't be too far and we make it. His to do list today included watching how to give infant CPR. He just stopped by my work and said that he researched both that and also watched some home delivery births to prepare himself.
    Contractions have been going on all day again at work starting late morning. I have not even bother timing them to see how far apart they are as they still are nothing seriously uncomfortable. This little lady is making me a tad irritated with the 'crying wolf' she is doing.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    stephysd - I laughed a bit at this is my third child I should know when I'm in labor. I worry I'll be the same way! The first was induced, but at least last time I went into labor naturally, so I HOPE I'll know. This last weekend I knew it wasn't the real thing luckily, got my husband all worked up though as he thinks I'm big enough to be full term and ready to have a baby anyday! I took my first CPR/First Aid class this last weekend for both Adults and Pediatrics! Awesome that your husband is so determined to be ready. How fast were your other labors? My last non inuduced one was still 14 hours from first contraction to her being out, so I am definitely not worried about getting to the hospital in time even though it's 40 minutes away in no traffic. Sorry you had such an obnoxious experience!

    TLCEsq - I'm not hoping for a preterm baby, I want to be term, I'm just tired of going overdue and this is my 3rd baby in 3 years, I am tired of being pregnant and my little ones need me to start being a mommy that can sit and play with more. Neither of my children were big (7#12 and 7#15) but doc said I might not tear if I had a slightly smaller baby - so I'm hoping for that!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    @spunkychelsea - First labor was long at just under 24 hours. We were in the hospital for 10 hours of it. The second labor I was at home for about 2 hours and then hospital for another 2. The part that goes fast is that when my water breaks it does not matter where I have been dilated. It goes complete and I have the urge to push within 10-15 minutes after it breaking. Luckily both times I was at the hospital when it broke. Doctor broke it with the first baby to try to speed up dilation, and the nurse accidently broke it with the second baby when she was checking to see where I was at. So the fear is waiting too long and having the water break before reaching the hospital.

    On Wednesday (4-16) I went for my regular weekly appointment. Midwife said she wanted to check me since I had been having contractions on Tuesday and so far that day as well. See if there had been any changes. Baby flipped herself from vertex Monday night to Transverse on Wednesday afternoon. Midwife confirmed that with a quick ultrasound. So yesterday I went to see a chiropractor who specializes in the Webster Technique to hopefully encourage baby back to vertex. Monday I see the chiro again and the midwife to check if baby flipped. If not, then they will try to turn the baby on Tuesday.

    Currently I know that the baby is no longer transverse and something is in my pelvis. I am hoping that she went head down and not butt down. And am about 99% she is back to head down. There are just too many tiny pokes at the top of my uterus for it to be hands or elbows. I am thinking they must be her feet.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Had another chiropractic appointment and midwife appointment yesterday. The midwife did a quick scan and baby is back to being head down. She is not as low in my pelvis as she had been, so hoping she drops some more and does not do any more turns.

    38 weeks along and excited for the end to be so near!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Glad she's head down again! I was hoping your update was you'd had her! Wow, awesome you move so fast once your water breaks - and a little scary. Mine broke on it's own with I think a certain strength of contraction with my first I was only 1 cm, but was on Pitocin and the contractions were horrible, with my second water broke at around 7cm with the same kind of intensity of contractions.

    Jealous of 38 weeks. I'm sitting here at 36 now. Had my apt yesterday, did GBS test and am 1 cm dilated and only 30% effaced. She said plan on going overdue since I have a history of it and hopefully be surprised. HOWEVER, she's going away for the weekend when I will be 5-9 days overdue (my last baby came 6 days overdue). So now I'm terrified baby will choose to come while she's gone. C'mon baby! Don't be another late one!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm currently 35 weeks and stuck in the hospital until delivery. Emma has isoimmunization hemolytic anemia and they might actually induce me today. I've gotten two steroid shots already and they keep doing tests to see if she stayed the same or got worse. Obviously this is not the birth I envisioned but I'm trying to roll with it!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    WOW! I'm sorry to hear you're in the hospital already! I hope if/when you are induced it goes fairly quickly and easily. I can say with my induction I definitely needed an epidural and am very happy I got one with it. Good on you for rolling with it. All that really matters in the end is healthy mommy and healthy baby. Best of luck.
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry ive been MIA...my Prince finally arrived April 12... 9 pounds even and 22 inches what a BIG BOY :) I labored for about 12 hours and only pushed for about 30-40 minutes...I have about 40 pounds to lose :( it took 9months to put it on so I just have to be patient with myself...all the best to everyone!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Congrats! So exciting! 9lbs! What a big boy! I had to lose 46 lbs with my daughter, and I did it! It can be done, but definitely give yourself time. :)