Can't get past week 3 of insanity

I am a 17 year old girl and am overweight for my age I weigh 183 pounds my fat percentage is 33 percent now I have not completed insanity once I have tried three times now I don't know what it is but I can't find motivation. I want to finish it and feel so great when I do it. I do have lower back problems it is higher impact but I go at a slower pace whenever I do the ones that put a strain on me.
I want to lose 30 pounds my measurements are this

Chest 42 in or 36 C
Waist 32in
Hip 42
Butt 44
Legs 27in
Calves 16 in
Arms 14

I love insanity and it's results but is can get so boring and repetitive that I feel like not doing it, maybe that's why I never finished even month one can you guys help give me suggestions to motivate me.


  • Blue_Mint
    Blue_Mint Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Congrats on completing 3 weeks of Insanity. It's a tough program! Here are suggestions that really help me stick with Insanity.

    1) Do another program before completing Insanity. I completed Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred before starting Insanity. It helped me build the strength I needed to perform Insanity moves. Also, I told myself, "It's only 20 minutes a day for 30 days. I can stick to something for 30 days!" Finishing 30DS was a major confidence booster for me, which motivated me to try something a little harder for a little longer. If Jillian Michael's is not your type of workout, commit to something else for a month. Make short-term goals and have realistic expectations for yourself. Treat yourself when you meet them!
    2) Once you start Insanity, mix it up! I substitute 2 Insanity workouts per week with yoga or brisk walking. While these activities may not be as "hard core" as Insanity, they are activities I enjoy, can do with other people, and look forward to. There is no rule that says you have to follow the Insanity workout schedule perfectly in order to be successful in the program. Your ultimate goal should not be losing a number of pounds in a certain number of days, but rather incorporating exercise that you enjoy into your daily life and getting healthy!
    3) Keep a journal in addition to monitoring measurements. Write down how you feel each day after exercise. Do you notice that you sleep better at night or have more energy at school on days you exercise? Where and when do you feel pain, what exercise causes pain, etc. You will be amazed with the patterns that can be observed this way!
    4) Eating right is key. My favorite thing to remind myself is that "Abs are made in the kitchen!" You can do as many Insanity workouts as you want, but unless you are putting healthy foods in healthy portions in your system, your fitness goals will be beyond your reach. I started noticing results when I started adding more protein and fiber into my diet!
    5) Read the success stories on MFP! They are so inspiring!

    Good luck!