Any Star Citizen backers?
Posts: 20 Member
Any backers here or people planning on trying it out?
Started backing around last August, wish I had gotten in earlier. Right now I have a Rear Admiral Package and a Cutlass. Will probably add one or two more ships before launch. Dog fighting module can't get here soon enough.
Started backing around last August, wish I had gotten in earlier. Right now I have a Rear Admiral Package and a Cutlass. Will probably add one or two more ships before launch. Dog fighting module can't get here soon enough.
I backed really early, as Wing Commander and Privateer were a couple of my favorite games of all time. I'm hopeful it will be decent... I honestly have no idea what my backer level is though, It was an early bird prior to the kickstarter.0
You should log into the site and see what you got in your hanger. If you got one of the early limited ships like a Scythe they are worth quite a bit on the grey market. If not there is still lots of new stuff. The hanger module is out so you can check out your ship. Dog fighting module will be out in a cpl months.0
I just have an RSI Aurora MR as my ship, which I think was the basic ship at like the $35 level or so, and the $5 Electro Hull, and then a bunch of stuff that it looks like I got from stretch goals and having backed it back in October of 2012.0
Yeah, there are some nice stretch goal goodies from back then. To bad you didn't get a few Scythes early on. They sell on the grey market for a ton. Sometimes I still can't believe I am $500 into a game that hasn't come out yet. There is just something different about this game though. The ships have a real sense of virtual property to them. Like its something I own, its mine. I can do what I want with it. Guess that's how they've gotten 40+ mil in backing.0
Wow. I'm just hoping the game comes out and is fun
I don't have enough time to play games ultra-seriously (WoW is by big time sink, and I'm an LFR guy there, I can't be bothered to join a raiding guild, too much time pressure).
I've got high hopes for this game though, I hope it feels like Privateer the MMO with modern graphics. If they get anywhere near that, I'll be happy as long as it doesn't become a griefer gank-fest.0