Silly question about using my Garmin to reach my goal pace

DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
This is a stupid question but I'm asking anyway! I have a Garmin Forerunner 10. My question is which pace is it giving me when it beeps every mile? The pace for that mile or my average of the miles I've run? Basically, if I want to run a 5k in 30min with a 9:39pace, which column shows the number that I should see each mile when it beeps so I know I'm on the right track? This is a negative split calculation. Told you, silly question but thanks for helping! I actually running a half marathon soon so the pace list is much longer that I'm trying to decipher.

Distance Split Pace min/mile Average min/mile
1 mile 09:24 09:24 09:24
2 mile 19:02 09:38 09:31
3 mile 28:55 09:53 09:38
3.1 mile 30:00 10:02 09:39


BTW here is the link for the split calculator if you are interested:


  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    The last number listed is for overall average pace. The middle number is the current/just completed mile. The first number is the total time thus far.
  • DianaV86
    DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
    Ok that's what I thought, thank you! I was over thinking it and didn't want to have the wrong #'s in my head and miss my goal because I thought I could go a little slower or something silly like that.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    No problem!! I love to go out and just enjoy the run, but when you're training for a specific time goal it's important to have accurate info. Good luck!! ????????????