accidentally ran up Heartbreak Hill today...

bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
Thought some of you might find humor in this.

I live basically on the Boston route, and since my usual course (around a local reservoir) has been covered in ice, I've been doing most of my running on Commonwealth Ave, towards Newton, slowly adding miles on my long runs. Today I added another mile, and as I was running this new territory... well, here's the thought process that happened:

"whew, this is a nice downhill respite... ugh I'm going to have to run back up this to get home... wow there are a lot of people here training for the marathon... this downhill keeps going?... oh *kitten* this is Heartbreak Hill isn't it..."

It's funny now, not so funny when I was trying to run back up to get home! (I'm a hard-headed determined sort of person, I tried so hard not to walk but ended up walking the very top.) I knew I lived close, didn't know it was that close.


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Can't wait to run that hill in 2015!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    (I'm a hard-headed determined sort of person, I tried so hard not to walk but ended up walking the very top.)

    I remember it well from last year. Fortunately there were thousands of people screaming at me not to stop and walk!
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Sounds like we may sometimes pass each other, at the reservoir, not heartbreak hill. Since the res is a mess, I just head down comm ave to the river, accessing it from the bu campus. The Boston side is well kept up.

    About heartbreak hill, the Chilly half marathon in newton goes down it. Miles 6-8 are ridiculous hills, then at 8 you sail down it. It's really fun! And you don't have to go back up!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My brother used to live on the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. I used to love running the hill -- course, I was not at mile 20 when I was doing it!
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    Sounds like we may sometimes pass each other, at the reservoir, not heartbreak hill. Since the res is a mess, I just head down comm ave to the river, accessing it from the bu campus. The Boston side is well kept up.

    I started running over by the BC campus because I assumed (correctly) that they'd have their sidewalks super-clean to avoid lawsuits. Can't wait until the ice melts on the reservoir!

    If you ever see me--well I'm pretty hard to miss, I'm a really slow runner with bright pink hair.