I am new to this group...

Good Afternoon everyone,

I am looking forward to being part of your group on our weight loss journey. My name is Sharmelle but you may call me Shar though. I am a 37 years old who is looking for support and encouragement. I am struggling to keep and get my weight down right now. I have gain ten pounds in three or six months. I am trying to lose eighty nine more pounds but it is a struggle right now. I do see a dietitian every so often due to I am a diabetic and that is one of the offers that my diabetes nurse gives me to do before my next appointment with her and I always do it to receive some help there too. I'd love to make some new friend from here too.

I do not have Internet at my home right now so I cannot be here every day like I use to, But I will check in when I can ok. But when I am spending time with family I have Internet access and I will be here. But just to let you know I will have the Internet until April or May 2014 for personal reasons, so I will be here as much as I can until than ok.

God's Blessings, Sharmelle