Does it track calories

Hi everyone,

I am confused as to what tracking bracelet to get. Does Jawbone keep a running total of your daily calories burned? I don't know whether to get a UP, a Fitbit flex or Body Media. I want to get a more accurate view of my BMR and TDEE.


  • The Jawbone Up band tracks your resting calories and active calories and it combines the two into your total calories burnt. It also shows the amount of time you were idle and active. I love having my Up band, especially because I don't even realize I have it on until someone asks me about it. When I got it, I wasn't sure if I would like having it sync with my phone through Bluetooth, so I got the cheaper one that doesn't have that capability. Now that I've had one for a couple months, I definitely wish I would have gotten the Up24 so I could sync it to my phone without taking it off. I'd definitely recommend you get a Jawbone Up band though! (:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have a Jawbone UP24 and a Fitbit Flex. The UP app is way better, but Fitbit makes non-band activity trackers that you can slip in your pocket or clip to your bra.

    If I could have only one, I'd choose UP. It has a stronger social component, issues guided challenges (like "drink 8 glasses of water today" or "go to bed at x p.m."), and offers insights based on your data. (For example, last week I was most idle between 11 a.m. & noon.)

    Edited to add that they both send your TDEE to MFP, and MFP adjusts your calorie goal accordingly. Neither one tells you your BMR (but my TDEE on a TV-binge weekend is pretty close to BMR).
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Thank you so much. That's exactly what I wanted to know. I've been leaning towards Jawbone but just wasn't positive.