New the the group with PCOS

Hello All fellow PCOSers! I'm new to the group and just wanted to get some of your thoughts and your stories of what worked for you. There is so much out there on what to take, what not to take, it's a little overwhelming. I'm working with a naturalist to get my PCOS under control as BCP freak me out a bit with all the side effects. I'm not the typical body shape for PCOS. I'm thin and work out often. I do have the acne and dark facial and body hair that is common with PCOS. Up until just about 4 months ago I didn't have any acne now I have constant whiteheads and blackheads under the surface of my skin. I've always had the hair, but treated it successfully for many years through laser hair treatments, but oddly enough about the same time my acne flared up, so did the hair. I've started to take supplements, only a few days into it, so I can't really say if it's working on not. I just recently asked my doctor if I should take Inositol because of all the awesome reviews I've been reading, but he said no. Has anyone else had the same reaction from their doctor? What all is everyone else taking for their PCOS with good results?

Thanks :smile:


  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Welcome to mfp and the pcos board!

    PCOS is really trial and error for each person. What works for one may not be as successful for another. Most of us, but not all, take Metformin for insulin resistance, sometimes with other meds and sometimes not. Most of us try to stay low or lower carb because that seems to help pcos symptoms and the insulin resistance both. Exercise is essential and many have found more weight loss with lifting weights than just cardio but many of us do both.

    Look thru the other discussions here, there are LOTS of sharing of stories, ideas, doctors visits and why insulin resistance and pcos go together, why low carb works and other great topics. There is a lot of information here.