Feeling hopeless,Nothing works, Trying again...

I am feeling completely down! I am heavier than I have ever been! I have done Myfitness pal before with no success and I've done every other weightloss effort! I don't know what to do, I am on metformin and pregnitude... still no weightloss... I have gone through a period of just trying to be healthy. I do Gluten free a majority of the time and limit calories, sugars etc... PLEASE HELP ME! Has anyone else been in this situation, what worked for you??? PCOS is so awful.. I'm currently TTC 19 months....:(


  • wmidge25
    wmidge25 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been ttc for 3 yrs, but was not as dedicated to it as I am now. I am 32 with PCOS and overweight. I would lose some pounds but then gain it back. I bought this fantastic book that is based on this particular discussion. This book helped me to understand PCOS better and how to help myself. They recommend eating 4-5 fruits and vegetables a day. However, when eating fruits, you should have a couple of nuts to go along with it so it helps break down the sugar process slowly. Anyways, I understand what you are going through Jesseylou22. Sunday night I was so depressed for no reason and then everything else started weighing in. It is hard to change without support. The only support I have is my fiancé, other than that I am on my own.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    have your vitamin levels ie b12 and d checked.....also your iron.........also thyroid.......if they tell u your thyroid id fine ask what your tsh number is.......if it is above a 3 tell them that the american endocrinologists association state that anything above a 3 should be treated but that most labs still say above a 5 would be abnormal.......also something most drs dont tell their patients is that caffeine can affect the test.......i went in for a tsh test and came back with 2.7 went back in 8 weeks after eliminating caffeine and fluoride for five days and my tsh level was 8........my dr said she doesnt tell her patients to elimate it because most would not plus floride is added to water......floride affects the tsh level too but much hard to remove than caffeine as if u have city water it is added to it
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    I have recently lost 25lbs.. but I had to be very strict with sugar. and carbs. I am doing the Omni drops, I know it has it's bad rap, but it has worked for me. I just really try to stay away from sugar, eat lots of apples and veggies, stay away from the high sugar fruits like grapes and banana's and eat lots of protein. PCOS sucks.. and I hate it.. and I have had a heck of a time getting any weight off, I just started in January and so far, I have kept off 23 of the 25lbs... so for me that is incredible. I think with PCOS I have learned that sugar and carbs kill me.. and I gain 5lbs in a day...
  • Wmidge25 I added you! I would love to support eachother! What was the book you read?
  • Trudy! That is good to know about the caffeine Thank you! I drank caffeine like crazy for years but recently went off of it! I am going to have them recheck my fsh at my next appointment! Thank you!
  • PowellFam I am going to have to look into Omni drops! I have never heard of them!
  • wmidge25
    wmidge25 Posts: 7 Member
  • Thanks! I will check it out!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    never heard of those drops before either
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Its a pretty big thing over here in WA State. They have all kinds of vitamins. My friend has lost 90 lbs since July on them and kept the weight off...


    Heather Noyes on MFP is a distributor, she is one of my friends... tell her I sent you to her.. and she can give you the info if you want it. It's not easy but it works for me. My girlfriends and I have lost about 70lbs between the 3 of us, and the ladies at work are doing it and I think we are all totaling over 100lbs lost between like 3 of us. I start another round this weekend... Hoping to get off another 25lbs... so wish me luck :)

    Feel free to friend me if you would like :) I like having my fellow pcos friends and friends who are trying for babies, I don't feel so alone in my journey :)
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    I have lost 51lbs.. and now onto round 3. I was hoping that AF would of reappeared on her own, but looks like I will have to call the dr. for another rx to start it again.. ugh :(
  • mjrose514
    mjrose514 Posts: 60 Member
    Know this is old, but have you tried a low carb, high fat, moderate protein diet? I've struggled with everything before and going low carb was always hard, but now I rarely have cravings and am loosing weight faster than ever before while not being hungry. Look at www.dietdoctor.com/lchf and http://www.dietdoctor.com/how-to-eat-to-get-pregnant.
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    I also have pcos and TTC too, what's working for me is learning te correct portion sizes for each food, I.E one portion of pasta is only 25g... That's a hell of a lot less than I thought it was. Also, not sure where you're from but I'm from the uk and you can find really helpful info of you search 'the eatwell' plate, ive only been doing it 5 weeks but I've lost a couple of lb, I've really learnt a lot about my eating habits by keeping a food diary alongside myfitnesspal, if you want a buddy in the same situation just add me as a friend :)
  • shrutia
    shrutia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies..it's very supportive to see so many ppl trying to help each other out..I'm 30 with pcos, since ever, TTC..

    Is it ok to have decaf coffee? Or should coffee be eliminated completely?
