Is this group defunct?

Doesn't appear to have been any posts in months. I lost my husband 10 months ago and am here to lose the weight I gained this past year. Would love to connect with other wids on MFP.


  • engrdad
    engrdad Posts: 25 Member
    BeachBum... it sure appears that way. I lost my wife 11 months ago and was glad to find this group on MFP. However, it soon became apparent that there was little to no traffic here. I bought a fitbit flex and joined MFP for two reasons... 1) Wanted to get serious about my health so as not to leave my two daughters without a parent (losing one is bad enough) and 2) Excercise helps me a lot dealing with the stress of losing my soulmate of 27 years. I wish you the best on your journey.
  • dllewis7
    dllewis7 Posts: 33 Member
    I've felt that way too, about this group. So have just "friended" people as I see activity.

    I lost my husband of 34 yrs two years ago. Getting healthy in body and spirit has been the best thing. Always looking for other positive, life-affirming souls to share the journey with.

  • pkthv1
    pkthv1 Posts: 20 Member
    I am sorry, I have not been on here for a long time. Kind of fell off the chuckwagon and am now back on and ready to go. I am ready to start this up and hopefully we can help each other have a better quality of life! Pattie
  • pkthv1
    pkthv1 Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry, have been off of this area for awhile. I am ready to start up again, are you still in?