How much weight are you using?

Mostly for the females, but guys feel free to answer as well.:tongue:
Where are you at in the program, and how much weight are you using during this time?


  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    Its kind of hard to give you a great anwser on this because it varies so much from excercise to excercise. I am currently using Powerblocks which are adjustable weights that range from 5-60 lbs. most of the time im usually in the 30-40 wheelhouse but for some of the excercises im lucky to get 10's like monkey pump in block 2. Im sure one of the females on here will chime in and give you an idea what they are using.
  • Busymomof003
    Busymomof003 Posts: 44 Member
    I mostly use 10lbs... I have 5, 8, 10, and 20. If I need more then 10's I usually use a band. 20's rarely work, depends on the particular move. I try to not ever use the 5's but there are a few moves I need them. I think I use 5's for CVX.
  • rwalker1173
    rwalker1173 Posts: 26 Member
    I did a lot of band work on p90x, haven't touched them doing x3, maybe I should. Maybe I will the next go around. Thanks for the replies, I was mostly curious.

    PS: The monkey and I have issues:laugh: I usually yell during this one, at the world, the tv, the know whatever can be yelled at.