Waiting Waiting Waiting

I am anxiously waiting for the phone call from my surgeon's office telling me if my surgery date will be moved up. I have been praying it will be! It will just work better for me all around in my life. I am ready to move forward with my life! One baby step at a time!


  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    My fingers are crossed for you!!!
  • Awesome ! I hope your wish is granted ! Best of Luck!
  • Still waiting....thanks for your support! I will keep you all posted!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Anticipating the surgeon's call to set-up the actual surgical date is really one of the hardest part. Once you have the date you know things are moving forward that will give you a little piece of mind. A date to look forward to.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS....any news!!!
  • Not yet but I passed my Psychological exam! Yeah! SO now it goes to my Surgeon's office and I wait some more! I am going to PCP on Monday to have her fill out another Psych report and I see my Psychiatric nurse practitioner on Monday to have a med check. Since I have a brain injury my surgeon is wanting to make sure I am emotionally stable for the surgery! BLAH :( Hate having a brain injury :(
  • I am new at this I have decided to get the gastric sleeve and have been seeing a surgen.... I have done the EGD and the upper GI....no one told me how bad the stuff you have to drink would be.....GROSSSSS!!!! I have an appointment to set my surgery date and am so excited but very nervous.... I made the choice to pay cash for it so that I do not have to wait the six months....:(
    I have read and studied this surgery to death and believe that I am doing the right thing. I have been over wieght since I had my first child!! Since then I have done nothing but put on wieght pound after pound....is there anything else I can do to get ready this is all moving fast... but I have been thinking about this sergurey for a year!!! I AM READY!!!!!