Favorite Episode: Firefly

Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
We've all seen it (and if we haven't WE MUST), so dish, gals! What's your favorite episode of Firefly, and why?


I think my favorite is probably Ariel. It shows Simon's strength and assurance, his nascent Evil Mastermind™ tendencies, and also how much Mal cares for his crew (even ones he may not take kindly to).


  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Ariel is definitely an amazing episode! You really get to see the true colors of a lot of the characters (*cough*Jayne*cough*). The scene at the end where Mal is warning him against doing it again is so great. You can tell he really thinks he's going to die. Jayne comes a long way from that simple-minded brute we see at the very beginning of the show. And they really come close to getting caught by the blue hands! Really makes you fear for River & Simon.

    Another of my favorites is (sadly) the last episode. Early is a fascinating character, and River really shines here! If only Simon would trust her, haha. I really wish we could've seen more of Early. You know he wasn't done for!
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    Another of my favorites is (sadly) the last episode. Early is a fascinating character, and River really shines here! If only Simon would trust her, haha. I really wish we could've seen more of Early. You know he wasn't done for!

    "Well...... here I am."

    [cut to Alliance cruiser coming up behind him] ;)

    Man, even one more -full- season would have been great.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Pretty much!! Joss said in an interview that he would've lived. Fox is the absolute worst about canceling amazing shows!! I'm glad we at least got Serenity, but there was so much more to explore there!!
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    Gotta go with Jaynestown, haha. I never get tired of that episode.

    Side note: I suppose my favorite character is no big secret.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    On the way to Dallas from Shreveport there's a little town called Canton! Me and my husband sing the song every time we pass it, haha.
  • SailorAriel
    SailorAriel Posts: 23 Member
    Ariel I agree is a really awesome episode!! I really like the background information though that is provided in "Out of Gas". I got really sad when I thought that Mal was going to die but honestly I really kind of liked it. Especially when they point out how they got the other characters such as how they had the old mechanic and his one night stand ends up being Kaylee.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Ooh that's a really, really good one too!! I'm glad we got to see their back stories there. Kaylee's cracked me up!! Checkin' out the engine while getting it on, haha. It's so hard to pick one favorite episode from this show, especially when we get so few as it is.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    On the way to Dallas from Shreveport there's a little town called Canton! Me and my husband sing the song every time we pass it, haha.

    That's awesome, haha.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    On the way to Dallas from Shreveport there's a little town called Canton! Me and my husband sing the song every time we pass it, haha.

    That's awesome, haha.
    I was at a big hippie-type gathering a few years back, and a guy whipped out his mandolin and we had a singalong around the fire. ;) Pretty epic.
  • sithmuffin
    sithmuffin Posts: 88 Member
    It's hard to pick just one because all of them are so great. If it really came down to it though, I love "shindig". Kaylee is my favrite character so it was just fun to see more of her
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    Ooh. I just can't pick. But if I could only watch one, it would be Jaynestown. I love that episode. Everything about it. ...oh but then there's the fancy party and the hands of blue... and there's just no way. They're all so good.
  • sithmuffin
    sithmuffin Posts: 88 Member
    Basically all of the episodes are perfect which just makes it more of a crime that it was cancelled.