March 2014 Fitness Challenge



  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I am ill. :sick: I have been ill since the end of February. I am just starting to feel better. :smile: I weighed this morning and I gained a pound. I have not been working out or recording my meals. I hope to start exercising slowly this week. Keep making progress! You guys rock! :bigsmile:

    I hope you feel better soon. Take it easy!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I am ill. :sick: I have been ill since the end of February. I am just starting to feel better. :smile: I weighed this morning and I gained a pound. I have not been working out or recording my meals. I hope to start exercising slowly this week. Keep making progress! You guys rock! :bigsmile:

    Get well soon.... get back on track you can still do it!:flowerforyou:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Date: March 3rd Baseline determined and noted
    March 10th +/- of baseline= -3/4#
    *weighed in at a different location today , so i'll check it with my regular later

    March 10th:
    + Got all of my planned work outs in, even ahead by one right now. Three weight training, three HIIT and a hour hike and a little walking.
    +Feel great, no aches or pains and sleeping great!

    -Intake a little higher than planned a couple of days
    -alcoholic drinks over my goal of just three a week

    This week shooting for six days of 30 mins or more of activity.,, Reading Mens's Health Total Fitness Guide 2009, Power Training.

    March 3rd: Challenges and successes for the last week:
    + I dropped a pound the last week of Feb.
    +I got two nice weight training sessions, 2 HIIT sessions and a killer hike with hills this last week.
    +bought a pair of size 8 jeans that fit perfectly...

    -I had a couple days of huge eating, ekk!:noway:
    -Need more consistent activity daily, shooting for at least 30 mins of walking everyday or more activity. :flowerforyou:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Date: March 3rd Baseline determined and noted
    March 10th +/- of baseline= -3/4#
    *weighed in at a different location today , so i'll check it with my regular later

    March 10th:
    + Got all of my planned work outs in, even ahead by one right now. Three weight training, three HIIT and a hour hike and a little walking.
    +Feel great, no aches or pains and sleeping great!

    -Intake a little higher than planned a couple of days
    -alcoholic drinks over my goal of just three a week

    This week shooting for six days of 30 mins or more of activity.,, Reading Mens's Health Total Fitness Guide 2009, Power Training.

    March 3rd: Challenges and successes for the last week:
    + I dropped a pound the last week of Feb.
    +I got two nice weight training sessions, 2 HIIT sessions and a killer hike with hills this last week.
    +bought a pair of size 8 jeans that fit perfectly...

    -I had a couple days of huge eating, ekk!:noway:
    -Need more consistent activity daily, shooting for at least 30 mins of walking everyday or more activity. :flowerforyou:

    Rocky, you are doing great! It is great that you are sleeping great. That is so important to maintaining health! Keep it up!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Yeah Mel
    I could sleep a lot better if I wasn't being interuppted by my 10yo....what is that about?

    So hope you are well and getting on track with goal this month. We are blessed here with awesome sunny days this week, so hope take advantage of that.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Since I am in weight maintenance mode. My weight goal is to stay within a 5 lb range of my target weight. (134 lbs) My fitness goal is to drop 1.5% in bodycfat. Or 2 lbs of body fat.

    My current %BF is 27.8% M
    My goal %BF is 26,3%

    I wont be able to measure it again until the end of the month. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Congrats for being in weight maintenance mode!!! Bravo! :drinker:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Yay March 1st!!
    I did planks 2min
    50 push-ups
    50 leg raises
    50 squats (just a light bar today)
    AAANNNNDDDD a 60min hike on that crazy stepmill (looks like a staircase). Crazy burn. I've been told that's a 1000calorie burn!
    Plus a bike ride give me an 830 calorie burn for today.
    Plus another bike ride gave me a burn of over 1000 cals!

    You are on FIRE!!! Keep it up! :happy:
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    So far this month the scale hasn't moved but i'm not going to give up :flowerforyou:
    2-3 pounds is my goal---so far just some inches lost
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    I would like to lose 5+ lbs this month. I haven't really been losing for a while. So I am hoping this week I'll get that big initial weight loss, then lose 1-2 lbs a week. Over the past 2 yrs I have gained back 30 lbs...and I really want to lose that this year. I just need to focus and not get side tracked by life.

    How is it going? I gained over 30 lbs. back too. Let's keep at it. We can do this!!!! Hang in there!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    I lost 1-2 lbs in February which put me at my pre-holiday weight. Not as much as I'd like but considering the weather that we've had in NE Ohio and the hectic semester including routine 12+ hour days, I can't complain. There were times when I was lucky to get in 2 workouts/week.

    I'm shooting for 2 lbs in March which would put me at 164, below my original goal weight of 165. I'm shooting for 160 and will take it from there.

    FYI, I weigh myself every day and plot it on a control chart. I have a quality engineering background so I know how to watch the trends. I'll be reporting when my weight is "out of control"

    How is it going? I weighed myself every day, but I did not record it or plot it. I noticed that I was in better control of my weight when I weighed daily. I have to work to find that control again. Congrats on reaching your goal weight! :happy:
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    tried on my pre-preggo jeans yesterday and they fit! YESSSSS! Loving it!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I've been losing about 2lbs per week. This has been going on for about 6 weeks! I am losing weight I had gained after last Summer. It feels good to have everything working together...logging, exercise, and DEFICIT! It was always the deficit, not the logging or exercise, that hindered me.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    put baby in the backpack and went for an hour long walk yesterday. Hoping to get on the Wiifit tonight.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I've lost 16 pounds of the 30 I put on during my pregnancy. Baby is 1 week old. I am planning on being 20 pounds down by the end of March so I need to lose 4 pounds this month.

    I've lost 3.8 more pounds and am at 19 pounds lost since having baby. Only need one more pound to reach this months goal. Maybe I should change my goal.

    lost 6.5 pounds so far this month. Changing my goal to reaching 160 by April 1st.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    March 3rd = Baseline determined and noted
    March 10th = -3/4#
    March 17th = -1/2# from basline ( so up 1/4 from last week)
    I will weigh in again on weds as sometimes Mondays aren't my best weigh in day.

    + Got in all my workouts
    + met goal of no more than three alcohlic drinks for the week (2 5oz wines and one light beer)

    -not eating at as much a deficit as I'd like. Set my daily goal to 1770 with the idea of staying there or under regardless of workout claories burned. If do it right then I 'd be set up to loose a 1/2# a week. Its so easy to eat over and not feel like I ate much....
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Everybody is working hard and making progress!
    I have a COLD today. No energy to exercise. BUT I also am not hungry, so at least I am not struggling with calorie issues. Still, I LIKE to exercise.
    Hopefully I'll be able to have an early AM workout tomorrow. Mornings are rough with a cold!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    got my Zumba on :love: :love:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    So far this month the scale hasn't moved but i'm not going to give up :flowerforyou:
    2-3 pounds is my goal---so far just some inches lost

    Hang in there! You can do it!!! :bigsmile:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    tried on my pre-preggo jeans yesterday and they fit! YESSSSS! Loving it!

  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    I've been losing about 2lbs per week. This has been going on for about 6 weeks! I am losing weight I had gained after last Summer. It feels good to have everything working together...logging, exercise, and DEFICIT! It was always the deficit, not the logging or exercise, that hindered me.

    2 lbs. a week is truly outstanding! :smile: