Rib pain?

Does anyone else have rib pain? I'm at 25 weeks (with many fibroids). It constantly feels like I have been punched in my right ribs. I hesitate to take any medicine, but this is becoming crazy-making. I find the pain is less when I remember to sit up straight, but by the end of the day nothing seems to help.

On the plus side, I have pretty much ruled out a future career in ultimate fighting, boxing, or similar sports. I am too much of a wimp to take body blows.

Thanks for listening to me whine! :)


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Yes, but it isn't because of pregnancy - Just complicated by pregnancy.
    I had been in a car accident and injured ribs on my left side. I get twinges of pain in that side even not being pregnant. But, since being pregnant it is much worse. Baby kicks my ribs and I jump. I find that 'doubling over' when it is hurting helps the pain stop.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I've been getting really bad rib pain at night when I lay down.. i'm not sure if there is a foot there or something but it HURTS! If I sit up it seems to stop hurting. I guess it's a body part? haha