


  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    270, (6 rounds even) exactly double my 2011 score for 11.1. A couple of keys were that I use the exact same jump rope that I have been using since 2011, an original Again Faster Revolution X with an unsheathed cable (they no longer make this version), and I did all C & J's from the very first to the very last rep.

    I practice double unders almost every day and have been for years. No matter how good you are at DU's, it is a fine motor skill that needs to be constantly calibrated. I also practice in front of a mirror occasionally to make sure the I am not doing the major 3 flaws that will quickly wear anyone out: piking, donkey kicking, and using nothing but elbows and shoulders with locked wrists.
  • JoJo0921
    JoJo0921 Posts: 19 Member
    My box did it as the WOD (not unlike almost every other box the day the WOD was released haha). DU's are a hit or miss with me, there are days I can string 30 unbroken together, and then days when I can barely get 2 in a row. The most I got unbroken while doing 14.1 was 13. As for snatches....they are not my strong point...my upper body strength is a bit lacking and the snatch is an awkward movement for me that I need more work on. I was pretty much just aiming to finish two rounds. I ended up finishing 3 rounds and getting 22 more DU's for a score of 157
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Friday is when we schedule it but people will do it all weekend and even Monday evening
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    scaled to singles (2:1), finished 8 full rounds and 42 singles = 381 total reps

    my traps were dead the next day!