Looking for Friends and support

I had my sleeve gastrectomy surgery on 10-2-2013. I am currently down 87 pounds. I'm almost 5 months post op and I was wondering what everyone is eating these days? (if you are around the same time or even further out) Looking for friends and to view your daily logs.. to get some ideas. (i know that sounds creepy I'm sorry...) I hit a stall for almost 2 months.. and I just recently had my gallbladder removed about 2 weeks ago.

What are you eating? anyone else hit a stall? :(


  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I think many or most of us hit a brief stall at three weeks, then again around 6 months in. You may be slightly ahead of the curve, or it may just be different for everybody.

    My food diary is public. You can view if you wish. I will tell you upfront that I am both eating more calories than most of my sleever friends who are female, and that I'm fudging on my Dr's orders that I eat natural based proteins. I can't seem to hit protein goals when I don't eat Quest bars, Greek Yogurt, and/or a protein shake daily. I generally try to have two of the three if I'm not out of the office or away from home.

    The other thing that helped break me out of the slump was changing up my exercise routine. Once it broke, I started losing quickly again. Not as fast as in the past, and now I'm losing at about 2 lbs per week average, which I'm stil happy with, that means this last 100 lbs will be gone in another year. Even if it isn't, the time will pass and I'd rather be losing slowly than gaining!

    Best of luck breaking the plateau.