You want sugar in your Sweet Tea? 2/18

garlic7girl Posts: 2,234 Member

Ok, so you say "Wonder Woman I don't drink soda anymore! " But if not soda what other drinks are you consuming or your kids consuming that have excess added sugars in them!
I think the video says it all!




  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I think my kid drinks too much milk. He only has three choices: water, milk or true lemonade which is about 5 calories. He ususally picks milk to drink. Every once in a while, he'll sneak a soda in if he's at a party or something where its not controlled. I drink water and true lemonade or limeade. Once in awhile he and I will share a Mango thing but I don't count that as a drink. Its too thick; seems more like food to me. And I drink tea or coffee with stevia. Sorry - no Koolaide, diet sodas or sweet tea for us. Now, hubby, he drinks soda and sweet tea and all that junk. Yuck!