Mad March workout check in thread



  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Jenni, bench press on a ball sounds tough! WTG!

    LadyDeadlift, hmmm, interesting about the laying tricep extension, I might have to try that. I've been trying to increase my OHP. One arm dumbbell press has been helping a bit.

    As soon as I get my at home weight set up this spring I want to start working on cleans and other more explosive movements. I think that is great! I'm too intimidated to do it too much at the gym. :blushing:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    lwoodruff - how did you learn to clean? I'm wanting to learn this and so far haven't found anyone game to teach me. A couple of the PTs at my gym deferred to one particular trainer who I'm trying to track down....

    So maybe I can try these based on my own prep - studying videos etc? I'd love to hear how you figured these out!

    I'm going to be nosy and jump in :)

    I learned the cleans from the Starting Strength book and some youtube videos. It can definitely be done without a PT. You just have to be real thorough and patient with it.

    I think I posted those in the Feb thread, but here are 2 videos that really helped me get the breakdown. The first one is a snatch progression, but the basics are the same (the grip on the bar varies, thus the bar path does too, but the explosiveness and the stages are pretty similar)

    (And just for reference, here's me doing power cleans. I still have a lot to work on, but I think I'm pretty decent considering no PT : )

    I had a session with a Pt. The ss book really confused me. I'm working on them slowly!
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    First Workout B

    Squats-5x5x50--3x5 bodyweight warm up
    OHP-5x5x45 --These were sooo hard!! No warm ups, I just stayed with the bar. I need to increase upperbody strength so I will definitely be repeating these next week. Also need to work on form. I think because the bar was so heavy my elbows pointed outward instead of staying inward alongside my body.
    DL-2x5x85--Did 1 as a warm up as I've never done DL before and then 1 for my set.

    Looking forward to next week so I can practice more with OHP and increase strength!
  • violetrix
    violetrix Posts: 60 Member
    I've not been doing so great since the end of feb. I'm sick at the moment so I haven't worked out for nearly 2 weeks. I've gotten tired of the gym as well so I've been doing Nerd Fitness' beginner body workouts instead. I'm actually getting some ab definition now so I'm pretty excited!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I did OHP last night, Wendler's 5/3/1 Round 3, my "3" week.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 45 pounds
    3 x 50 pounds

    Working Sets:
    3 x 55 pounds
    3 x 65 pounds
    3 x 70 pounds-I only got 2 reps the first time I tried, then I took a 5 min break and tried again, and got 3 reps.

    Then I added in AMRAP for one set at 45 pounds, and I got 12.

    Assistance Work:
    Assisted Dips-3 x 10 @ 45 pounds
    Assisted Chins-3 x 10 @ 45 pounds

    I watched the Rippetoe videos on the OHP last week, and doing that forward hip thrust thing definitely helps get the first rep in the air, and after that, it's easier to get the next reps with the breathing techniques you ladies taught me, so thank you! I'm hoping to be able to nail this weight next round, and then move up after that, so we'll see.

    Side note: I did too much hill cardio on the weekend, resulting in me mildly straining both calves, so cardio this week is going to be some nice, slow, low impact rowing :)
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    I've been doing Nerd Fitness' beginner body workouts instead. I'm actually getting some ab definition now so I'm pretty excited!

    I love (LOVE!) Nerd Fitness - I got ready to tackle SL by doing the beginner bodyweight workout for about a month.

    I hope you're feeling better soon - it's been too long of a winter...
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    New to this group. I do modified SL--no upper body since I'm an aerialist and get plenty of upper body work. I may add bench and OHP back in once a week. Right now I just do push-ups to help counteract all the pull-ups. Actually I guess I don't do SL at all, but I started with it.

    Anyway, lifting 2x a week (aerial is 3). Would like to bump it up to 3x a week.

    Today's routine (not inlcuding warm up):

    Good morning 5x1 @ 95 lb
    Barbell lunge 5x5 @ 105 lb
    Squat 5x3 @125 lb
    Single leg romanian deadlift 5x2 @ 50 lb
    Pull-ups, different varieties between sets. Vinyasa yesterday, so plenty of push-ups then.

    Skipped today because of time but normally I do barbell glute bridges. Last set was 5x3 @ 215 lb.

    I really like 5x3 or 8x3. I get bored doing 5 sets, haha.

    Once I bump my sets up to 8x3, I increase the weight.
  • scubaemma
    scubaemma Posts: 30 Member
    Great work ladies!

    Yesterday was meant to be lifting day for me, I was working an 8am to 4pm shift and planning on lifting after work. But it ended up being a looooong day at work and I didn't finish until gone 10pm :sad: (but hey, there's one more very nasty baddie locked up! Enjoy prison you dirty rotten ped!).

    But anyway, there was no way I could lift by the time I got home. I was back at work at 7am this morning and was so tired after yesterday but MADE myself do my lifting session after work! And I'm glad I did now that it's done!

    Squats - first time at 50kg. Got: 5, 5, 5, 5, 3.
    OHP - at 25kg. Got: 5, 5, 4, 4, 4. Which is better than last time! Partly thanks to the longer rest time in between, so thanks for that suggestion.
    DL - first time at 75kg. Got: 4

    Happy enough with that, especially being so tired!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Not my best day today, but hey, can't win 'em all. I was tight something fierce (mostly due to working from home this weekend. A lot. So much sitting :|) and it was Squat day, 3's.

    140x3 (should've been 130 but I misloaded...)
    145x7 - I was aiming for 12, But it was so heavy. Lost balance on my 8th rep and had to bail out. First time this happens to me on squats. I recon I still had 1-2 reps in me but lost focus and just. Gah! I swear, too, the thick bar I was using today was heavier than the one I'm used to! Or something

    Those were a struggle, but not impossible. I'm dreading next week's sets though O_o

    Romanian Deadlift 45x10, 95x12, 105x12, 115x8
    Grip failed on the last set. Whoopsie?

    Then went on to do 3 rounds of Death by barbell (45x8, 50x6, 55x4) With 15-20 knee raises on the dip bar in-between each round. Now I just need to not eat until 12 and I'll have a decent workout, my 16:8 IF schedule back on track on a decent amount of calories! So, not *SO* bad after all.

    Oh, and hey, guess what?! My favorite online coach posted a Power Clean video this morning! =D
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    For some reason the whole hour I was at the gym this morning, the racks (all 5) were never full. Wednesday must not be leg days?

    Also whomever used the weights on my rack last night was putting them all back on the wrong spots so I had to shuffle.

    Squats: 115 3x5 - hadn't lifted since Friday but felt pretty good
    Bench: 75 3x5
    Rows: 75 3x5 -apparently I was supposed to do 70 but wasn't paying attention.

    Happy the ice is gone and hopefully the warm temps forecasted this weekend stay!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Oh, and hey, guess what?! My favorite online coach posted a Power Clean video this morning! =D

  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    I feel that I got a good workout today.

    Squats 5x45 (was able to power up instead of going slow :happy:
    Overhead press 5x50. It was a bit of a struggle but got thru it (not sure if I should repeat of go up inweight)
    Deadlift 1x70. Yay new high
    Hanging leg lift - 20 squat and 8 pike
    Finished up with about 5 minutes of hiit running
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Alrighty then, back to squats today WOOHOO! I felt really good on my warm ups, knocked them out fast, then 185 lbs. Didn't knock them out so fast, but I got all the reps. It was kinda ugly, though. Failed at 95 bench again, but they felt a little easier than last time. Knocked out the 105 lb rows pretty quickly and efficiently.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am a newbie here and looking into starting strong-lift soon. Currently doing P90x3 home-workouts, but I started to outgrow my dumbbells, so i need to move on soon. I joined the YMCA yesterday and today's evening I'll go and take a look around. I am not planning to actually workout, but just want to see he weight-room ans see what do they have , where they are located etc.
    Any advice what should I look for? I am going around 8 pm, which is my usually workout time. I want to see how crowded is the weights room at this time. what should i exactly look for?

    Also I do not know what to do with my current program. I have done 6 weeks with no visible result whatsoever, but I improved flexibility, stamina, balance general fitness etc. I also feel stronger, but not as much as I expected from a beachbody program. I still have another 6 weeks to go in this home-workout program.
    Part of me saying ditch the program , and start stonglift ASAP, because why waste time on something that is not working.
    On the other hand ,changes are not fast,and maybe I just didn't give it enough time. Maybe I should finish the remaining of the program doing in he gym where I have access to bigged dumbbells , and start Strong-lift after I finished.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I'll just touch on what you want to look for.

    Squat rack (NOT a smith machine aka the bar slides up and down on 2 upright poles)
    barbell plates

    When I visit home and go with my parents to their Y, they have everything needed and yours probably does too.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    @redheadmommy- You're in Edmonton, that's close to me! The Y's around here typically have either squat racks or power cages, which look like this:


    Either will work for what you need, and as hwillmott said, the key is that the barbell can lift off of the rack, and isn't attached. The Y will likely also have Smith machines, so just ask a trainer if you're not sure.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    And speaking of workouts, I did deadlifts at lunch today, my "3" week of 5/3/1.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 80 pounds
    5 x 95 pounds
    3 x 115 pounds

    Working Sets:
    3 x 135 pounds
    3 x 155 pounds
    3 x 175 pounds-I got 6, yay!

    Assistance Work:
    Good Mornings-3 x 12 @ 65 pounds
    Hanging Leg Raise-3 x 12 using body weight

    My calves are still giving me a bit of trouble, so my warmup was walking and foam rollering, but there'll be no extra cardio until they feel better, even rowing is tweaking them a bit now.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Thanks for the replies ladies,
    I know the plated are usually marked with their weight, but how do I know how heavy is the bar? I know there are 45 lb , 35 lb and even 25 lb bars. How will I know how heavy is the one I'll see?
    Also the plates are usually different for different equipments? Like squat vs bench press? Or usually all the plates are interchangeable with all the bars?
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Thanks for the replies ladies,
    I know the plated are usually marked with their weight, but how do I know how heavy is the bar? I know there are 45 lb , 35 lb and even 25 lb bars. How will I know how heavy is the one I'll see?
    Also the plates are usually different for different equipments? Like squat vs bench press? Or usually all the plates are interchangeable with all the bars?

    I'd ask if you're not sure, but typically if the bar is a standard silver Olympic bar, it's 45 pounds, and will look at lot like this:


    Usually, there's one bar that looks like that at each squat rack/power cage (most Y's have more than one "setup"), and each bench press, and you can use any plates as long as they fit on the ends.

    Usually, they have more than one place where the various sizes of plates are stacked, so you should be able to grab from any stack.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    So.....skipped the gym yesterday after I was stuck in meeting hell at work. We even had a meeting to determine the best time for the next meeting. Yeah, I wasn't happy. So I went today and got my B workout in.

    Squats @ 135
    OHP 4x5 and 1x3 @ 75 - hit failure on the last set, just couldn't get the bar up.
    DL 1x5 @ 135, 155, 185

    Today's workout was powered by internal rage from a work related situation. I didn't add anything on at the end of the SL work because I have boxing class tonight. Of course, after getting done with the workout, I realized why I don't usually push the workout to the next day. I don't like to lift and box on the same day if I can avoid it so now I am pushing into tomorrow's lifting day. I will probably skip squats tomorrow and just do the bench and rows with some accessory work. I would do squats before Friday's class, but I'll have to take the little one with me and I can't have him back in the free weight area with me.