Its 3 of post-op

klh193 Posts: 18 Member
ok, I am day 3 of post op. I had my surgery on 2/27. All went well, however I do still feel all bloated with gas, I know it will pass. But I feel like I will have a hard time getting any liquid in when I already feel so bloated and full. I keep telling myself it will get better, and this to shall pass. I am looking forward to the benefits of this. You all have given me hope by looking at your numbers. I cant wait.


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    So glad all went well for you! You are right, things will get better! If you work on taking small sips throughout the day, you should be able to get in all the liquids, those sips add up! Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, get enough rest, stick with the program, and before you know it you will be feeling better and seeing the benefits of the surgery! Congrats and good luck on the start of your new and healthier life :-)
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    Walk, walk, walk! That will help with the gas...I also took gasx, that really helped, too. Also, as PP said, sip constantly throughout the day to get in fluids. It will get better, trust me! Before you know it, you will feel "normal" again! Glad all went well, keep us posted on how you are doing!!
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    BTW - sent you a friend request!! :smile:
  • Syndigutez5
    Syndigutez5 Posts: 35 Member
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Bingo on the walking. I tried to make sure I got up out of the chair at least once and hour and walked around the house. After a few days I ventured outside.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I had gas for over a week and notices that fluids and walking really did help me to release that gas. I also used a little Gas-X.