Brand New Here -- Due Sept 2014!



  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member

    Congratulations! I hope your appointment went well! Seeing the baby definitely made it more real for me I am 15 weeks today and my next appt is on Thursday the 20th, I really hope I get to hear the heartbeat because so far I have only seen the ultrasound and they verified a heartbeat via ultrasound but I just can't wait to hear it! I think this is the first time that I get excited and can't wait to go to my doctor's appointments! Other than my joy and excitement I am doing well! This trimester is a lot more fun than the first, nausea, fatigue and food aversions are all going away, my baby bump is growing, lots of exciting things ahead!

    How exciting! I hope you get to hear it tomorrow!!! My appt went well. It was exciting to see my little baby in there, though it was a quick ultrasound. I had a meet and greet with the midwife group I'm thinking of using for birth, too, yesterday. My insurance won't cover a home birth, so I'm kind of going to two providers on the sly! lol I have my regular OB appts with my insurance (we're military, so its through a military clinic) and I'll be also meeting with the midwives regularly for prenatal care. (If they decide I'm a good candidate and have enough space for me).

    I'm excited! I've been worried how to work it out in case of a hospital transfer, but figure I can just go in like normal if I decide I need to go in. (And pretend I wasn't doing a homebirth! lol) Hopefully I won't need to, though! Now the part i"m worried about is going to be after I have the baby, cancelling my ob appts with the military facility b/c I already had the baby! LOL I sort of feel like I'm cheating! lol

    My energy levels are good when I get enough rest, but my kids are sick right now and I've been super busy all week. So I'm feeling kinda blah and not sure I should over exert myself if I'm coming down with something.

    How are y'all?
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey ladies!! I'm due in Sept. as well. I posted on the other thread a while back but this one seems busier. I'm due Sept. 26 (according to my last period). The doctors gave me a due date of Sept. 23 since it was a few millimeters bigger (which is nice!) at 12 weeks. I'll be 14 weeks on Friday. I haven't really gained much yet. I'm starting to show a tiny bit but am definitely looking forward to having more of a belly! Hope you're all doing well.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hey ladies!! I'm due in Sept. as well. I posted on the other thread a while back but this one seems busier. I'm due Sept. 26 (according to my last period). The doctors gave me a due date of Sept. 23 since it was a few millimeters bigger (which is nice!) at 12 weeks. I'll be 14 weeks on Friday. I haven't really gained much yet. I'm starting to show a tiny bit but am definitely looking forward to having more of a belly! Hope you're all doing well.

    Hi! I'm due Sept 25th, so we're really close! Is this your first? :)
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! Yes, this is my first! I love how you are seeing 2 providers (midwife and dr). Very cool. I started out this pregnancy at a higher weight than I'd like to be - 4 lbs in the overweight BMI. But, I have only gained 1-2 lbs during the first trimester so I'm not sweating it. I figure I have enough fat reserves for now! I'm trying to keep up with prenatal yoga and walking.
  • marleylouhou
    marleylouhou Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! New as well. Due Sept 29th. I was trying to loose weight when I became pregnant and now have been gaining like crazy (at least thats what if feels like haha) so I'm coming back to MFP to help keep things 'under control'. When I asked our Dr he said it would be ok to gain somewhere around 10 pounds this pregnancy because I had the weight to loose in the first place. SO here I am. :) I have not excercised once since becoming pregnant! I've been so sick and and NO energy. Starting to feel better and need something to keep my accountable! Help me out?
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I guess it's been a while since I posted, so I'll give you all an update! I asked my midwife about the u/s tech's comment about pain on my left side. She said the tech didn't leave any notes and suggested she likely saw a small cyst, and if it was small enough and I said "no" to pain it's not unusual that she left it off the report. However, since last seeing my midwife I have felt a few jabs on that side, so I'm going to ask to have it looked at at my next u/s. Baby was measuring a bit ahead, but not enough to change my due date. Enough, though, that I have to go tomorrow for my second round of IPS bloodwork that's supposed to be done at 15w3d.

    Otherwise not a whole lot of excitment around here. My nausea has finally tapered off significantly and I've been more active. Made it to the gym twice this week, which is huge given I wasn't there most of the winter. Still feel like everything is happening earlier with this pregnancy. I've started to feel round ligament pain at times, and I had heartburn the other night. Like the other symptoms I've already experienced, these ones didn't appear until 3rd tri last time, and now they're popping up in 1st/early 2nd tri. Has me nervous for what the rest of the pregnancy will bring! Weight gain is still higher than I'd like (around 10-11 lbs at nearly 15 weeks), but I'm trying not to let it get to me. As long as I eat healthy and keep moving, my body will do what it needs to do, right?

    Has anybody started the name game with their spouse yet? DH and I agreed easily on boy names last time, but we didn't agree on a girl name until just before my due date. He finally caved and agreed to use both the first and middle names I'd picked. Good thing we finally agreed on something, because we had a girl! We didn't know the gender last time and don't plan to find out this time, either, so we're stuck having to pick names for both genders again. Most of the boy names we had on the list last time are still there, but DH REALLY wants a traditional Polish name this time (he was born there). Only problem is a lot of them are awkward to say/spell, and given that we already have a crazy last name I like to keep the first names simple. Not to mention I just don't like most of the Polish names he's suggested so far. :ohwell:
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I guess it's been a while since I posted, so I'll give you all an update! I asked my midwife about the u/s tech's comment about pain on my left side. She said the tech didn't leave any notes and suggested she likely saw a small cyst, and if it was small enough and I said "no" to pain it's not unusual that she left it off the report. However, since last seeing my midwife I have felt a few jabs on that side, so I'm going to ask to have it looked at at my next u/s. Baby was measuring a bit ahead, but not enough to change my due date. Enough, though, that I have to go tomorrow for my second round of IPS bloodwork that's supposed to be done at 15w3d.

    Otherwise not a whole lot of excitment around here. My nausea has finally tapered off significantly and I've been more active. Made it to the gym twice this week, which is huge given I wasn't there most of the winter. Still feel like everything is happening earlier with this pregnancy. I've started to feel round ligament pain at times, and I had heartburn the other night. Like the other symptoms I've already experienced, these ones didn't appear until 3rd tri last time, and now they're popping up in 1st/early 2nd tri. Has me nervous for what the rest of the pregnancy will bring! Weight gain is still higher than I'd like (around 10-11 lbs at nearly 15 weeks), but I'm trying not to let it get to me. As long as I eat healthy and keep moving, my body will do what it needs to do, right?

    Has anybody started the name game with their spouse yet? DH and I agreed easily on boy names last time, but we didn't agree on a girl name until just before my due date. He finally caved and agreed to use both the first and middle names I'd picked. Good thing we finally agreed on something, because we had a girl! We didn't know the gender last time and don't plan to find out this time, either, so we're stuck having to pick names for both genders again. Most of the boy names we had on the list last time are still there, but DH REALLY wants a traditional Polish name this time (he was born there). Only problem is a lot of them are awkward to say/spell, and given that we already have a crazy last name I like to keep the first names simple. Not to mention I just don't like most of the Polish names he's suggested so far. :ohwell:

    Glad the cyst thing isn't considered serious! I've had some on and off pain in what feels like an ovary at times. Just one side and totally intermittent. It was probably trapped gas or something! lol Phew, the gas and bloating sure haven't let up for me. Then again, I had half a head of cabbage today, so...LOL (My poor family).

    We don't plan on finding out the gender either. We were surprised with our first and found out for our second. (both girls). I feel like I'm going to have a boy this time, though I would love another girl. The name thing is hard! I don't like the names anymore that we'd picked for boys for our other pregnancies. Haven't been thinking about it too much yet, but I probably should. I love unique, nationality names. What sort of Polish names have you guys thought of? I'm always drawn to Irish/Scandinavian/Welsh sounding names, but we ended up with a Gwyneth Jane and a Margaret Irene (after our grandmothers).

    I'm getting over an awful cold i got from my kids. I've done some little things here and there over the past week, like push ups, squats, etc, but haven't done anything intensive or sweaty yet. I'm hoping maybe tomorrow.

    Welcome to everyone new! :)
  • Tish
    Tish Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Ladies, I'm due Sept 1st on my birthday!! Doubt baby willvarrive that day but you never know either. My daughters birthday is the 9th of Sept so we'll see if this baby will have its own day or share one of our birthdays.
    I'm 18 weeks now and feel hugh already. I really need some motivation to exercise and stop eating sweets!!
    Pretty nervous about the birth already just cos my daughters one was very very long, 3 days and ended in a c section.
    This time I want a natural birth with little interference. Has anyone tried the dates and raspberry leaf tea for labour. If you have would love to hear your story.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all! Glad to read all the new updates!

    @ jls8209 - Glad to hear there wasn't anything too serious but I hope they can figure out where the pain is coming from!

    @ jls8209 and Meggwyn - Oh the name game :) my husband and I can't seem to agree on anything! He doesn't like any of my boy names or girl names so far except one - so far we both seem to like the girls name Olivia, so we are still playing the game for now!

    As for me I am doing well.. for the most part, I haven't been able to sleep well the last couple of nights and I think it is mostly due to stress and worrying about everything on my plate. I'm trying to keep up with work (which is hard because all I want to do is think about our baby!) and we are moving later this month after being in our current house for 3.5 years and might I add acquiring "stuff" for 3.5 years!

    We just gave our 30 day notice and the property manager is already pushing to show our house while we are still living here. I've asked him to wait until we at least move the majority of our stuff our and he could really care less. I really hate the idea of having random strangers coming through my house.. looking at all my belongings and personal items especially when we are starting to pack and boxes are everywhere - it's given me a lot of stress just thinking about it. He even had the audacity to tell me that he wants us to make ourselves scarce when he brings over potential tenants - which is illegal, I fully have the right to be present while I am still paying rent. I really wish he would just respect our privacy and wait until most of our stuff is out but legally there's nothing I can do about it as long as he gives 24 hr notice and comes during "normal" hours. I know he can legally show the house - but to be honest with you I have never had anyone show a place I was renting while I was still living there and I have rented for over a decade and have also given a 30 day notice. I have also never been shown a property while the tenants where still living on site either. I hate it and I can't help but be upset about it.

    On the plus side I am excited about moving into a larger house and staring to "nest" I have so many ideas for the nursery. I just have to keep telling myself that this month is temporary and soon we will be settled again!
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey all!

    Tish - I've heard of the raspberry leaf tea and dates, as well as evening primrose oil. I think I will start drinking the raspberry leaf tea at 36-37 weeks. I already have some in my pantry. I may try to eat some dates and use some evening primrose oil as well. We'll see I guess!

    Destanie - wow you're moving! That is very exciting. But it does sound very stressful. Try not to get too caught up in worrying - it won't do you any good. I know... easier said than done. If the property manager asks to show the house and you can't leave, you need to tell him that legally you are allowed to be there and it doesn't work for you to leave. You can just be upfront (and blunt) about it. From his perspective, I understand that he doesn't want to lose any time renting out the house, but he also has to respect your privacy. My husband rents a house and I don't think he'd ever even consider showing it when he still had renters living there! That really is just rude. But, try not to worry. Everything will all work out. My husband is looking for jobs across the country actually, so there is a chance we could move during my pregnancy as well... although right now neither of us are holding our breath. We'll just have to see. If it gets to be towards the 3rd trimester, there's no way I'll move then.

    I'm 14 and a half weeks pregnant now, and have 2 more weeks until my next appointment. I have a fetal heart doppler since I don't want to wait that long to know if the baby is ok. Otherwise, things are going well here.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Destanie that is ridiculous! So sorry for the added stress! If I was looking at apartments, I would feel weird about checking one out that was obviously being lived in! I hope it goes smoothly and it will be so awesome to be in a bigger place, I"m sure!

    For some reason, I have not done the raspberry leaf tea in my 2 previous pregnancies, but my cousin already sent me some to use with this one. I will start taking it in the 3rd trimester probably. I'm trying to get back into swallowing raw garlic every day, but I don't always remember. Its supposed to be really good for your heart, blood pressure and to avoid swelling. I feel so huge already, too! I've never been so big this early. I'm hoping it balances out. I'm up 15 lbs at 15 weeks right now and hoping to stick with gaining a pound a week for the rest of the 2nd trimester.

    I've been getting in exercise most days. I actually went running twice this past week since it was nice outside! I didn't think I could still do it b/c i always end up walking on my treadmill, but there is something so awesome about being outdoors! Its just easy to keep going! I think it helps, too, to be able to change my pace automatically, whereas with the treadmill, you have to keep pace or adjust manually.

    We uncovered our pool, too! Its pretty nasty b/c the water from the cover ended up pouring in, but I'm hoping to get it all cleaned out and hooked up by the end of the month. Maybe the weather will actually turn hot like its supposed to around here! lol (Its been unseasonably cold here in Virginia).

    We're going to Florida in a month, so I'm super excited! I wanted to go before being way too big. I just have to find a cute bathing suit. I have bottoms that will work and I was thinking of just getting a matching colored tankini top from Target. Maternity suits are SO expensive!!! Anyone else making vacation plans?
  • BeautifullymeForever
    BeautifullymeForever Posts: 59 Member
    Hi my name is Melody and I am a first time Mom due in September on the 28th :) I am so excited! Have been doing prenatal yoga and the treadmill :)
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    How is everyone doing? I know there really isn't a whole lot to talk about at this point, but I'm still curious! LOL I made the appt for my big ultrasound...its the 30th and I will be almost 19 weeks. We aren't finding out the gender, but it will still be cool to see a better image of the baby. plus my husband missed the dating ultrasound and she kind of rushed through it.

    When are your ultrasounds? Are you going to find out or wait? :)
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    We should do belly pics, too, since we're all into the 2nd trimester now! Mine is way bigger this pregnancy, but at least I'm looking unmistakably pregnant! LOL (finally!)

    This is 15 weeks:

    Actually nevermind b/c i can't figure out how to do it! LOL
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all! Yes pictures would be fun! Here's instructions to post pictures. I prefer because you do not need an account.


    Hosting the Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you coped earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ IMG ] [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!

    REMEMBER, remember to manually change the capitalized IMG to lowercase img! Hope that helps!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    And my update! We just couldn't wait until April 22nd for our anatomy ultrasound to find out the gender... so we booked a private appointment and it was great! It was at 16 weeks and was the first time my husband got to go with me and see the baby on the ultrasound. The doctor also spent a lot of time looking around so we really got to see the baby move and stretch, see the heart beating and then listen to it! It was great we really enjoyed the whole ultrasound and afterwards we got 10 pictures and a DVD of the ultrasound! and we found out it is a ............... GIRL!

    We thought for sure it would be a boy, but were pleasantly surprized! While we both are happy with whatever gender, I think my husband was a bit disappointed baby is not a boy. (I guess that means we'll just have to have more!)

    Here are some pics and my progression from 12 to 16 weeks:


    Since I am 18 weeks today! I will probably take my 18 week picture tonight or tomorrow!

    Oh and one bummer - I found out that I have an anterior placenta... meaning I probably won't be able to feel baby girl move for a while.. :( I was hoping to get to feel movements soon.. but it may not be for 2-5 weeks from now...
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    We should do belly pics, too, since we're all into the 2nd trimester now! Mine is way bigger this pregnancy, but at least I'm looking unmistakably pregnant! LOL (finally!)

    This is 15 weeks:

    Actually nevermind b/c i can't figure out how to do it! LOL

    Bummer! I couldn't just re-edit. Thanks so much for the instructions! I never would have thought to change the capital letters to lowercase! lol

    Congratulations!!! How exciting! I have two little girls and they are SO much fun!!! I had an anterior placenta with my last baby and I despite it, I do remember being able to feel her fairly early. They do say, though, that its easier to tell with subsequent pregnancies b/c you know what it feels like, etc. I've been feeling this little one for the past week...just flutterings, but I keep pressing on my belly expecting to feel a foot or elbow! lol You will feel her soon! I'm so happy for you!!! Love the belly pics, too! You look so great!!!

    For some reason I feel like I'm having a boy, but I'm probably wrong! :) Alright, I will try my 15 week pic again!
    I'm already up 15lbs! But I'm hoping the rate of gain is slowing down. :)

  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member

    Congratulations!!! How exciting! I have two little girls and they are SO much fun!!! I had an anterior placenta with my last baby and I despite it, I do remember being able to feel her fairly early. They do say, though, that its easier to tell with subsequent pregnancies b/c you know what it feels like, etc. I've been feeling this little one for the past week...just flutterings, but I keep pressing on my belly expecting to feel a foot or elbow! lol You will feel her soon! I'm so happy for you!!! Love the belly pics, too! You look so great!!!

    For some reason I feel like I'm having a boy, but I'm probably wrong! :) Alright, I will try my 15 week pic again!
    I'm already up 15lbs! But I'm hoping the rate of gain is slowing down. :)

    Aww thanks! I sure hope I get to feel her soon! Also cute bump!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Ok here is my week 18 pic:

  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Ok here is my week 18 pic:


    Love it! You look great! :)