Block 3 Starts today

vpanuccio Posts: 9 Member
Started Decelorator today and it was great workout burned 400 calories when I took my Polar F4 off. Weighed myself and found I am down from start of block one but I still am up from start of X3. I do notice small changes but I really don't see that huge body fat burn I was hoping for. I do use MFP calorie counter daily and log all calories in and out so that plus X3 has me confused about why the scale is not shifting a bit more. I am stronger, lighter on my feet, and have lost some fat around waist but nothing close to test group. I am hoping Block 3 will make the difference.


  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    This seems to be a common theme...I'm almost starting block three and similar...not down any weight, small movement in measurements/bf%. I'm generally an optimist so i'm reserving judgement until the end :) I will say this, I do enjoy the variety of the workouts and I can tell my cardio fitness level has improved which is a prime goal as I prepare for cycling season.