Time to Stop Pumping

vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
I don't completely know how I feel about this, relief, sadness, freedom... The time has come to stop pumping. He just isn't nursing enough and pumping every few hours is too much now. He is 9 months and I'll continue to nurse him at night, in the morning and on weekends. When he is away from me, he will have a little bit of whole milk and formula. It is a little sad, since I know it is the last time I'll be doing this, but I am so dreadfully sick of the whir of that pump!


  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    I know how you feel! I'm so sick of the pump, too. I was planning to wean from it this month (and still BF morning and night) and start introducing whole milk - my little guy is 11 months - but my pediatrician said I couldn't start whole milk until after his 12 month appointment. And since we are going on vacation 5 days after his first birthday that means i"ll have to continue pumping so that I can maintain my supply to BF him while we are on vacation.

    I am looking forward to the day where I don't have to worry about pumping.

    Great job, mama, on making it to 9+ months!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    You have done so, so well at keeping up with him! Pumping really is tough, and I can totally understand being over it! Keep us posted on how it goes :)

    As far as whole milk, I'm not sure what the reasoning is, but you're not supposed to introduce that until a year (unless your pediatrician says otherwise). With my first I ran out of formula a week before he turned one, but my pediatrician-father told me it was ok to start whole milk rather than spend the money on formula. I was so tired of buying formula earlier that if he could've told me to switch earlier, he would've, but when I ran out with literally 7 days to go, we were close enough in his opinion.

    Keep in mind that some companies (like Good Start) have stage 2 formulas for 9+ months that are less expensive. I know GS is about $18.99 for a big tub of stage 2 formula and $23.99 for a big tub of the stage 1 formula at my supermarket. I'm not sure about other brands, but as far as Good Start, the only difference is additional calcium in stage 2, per the Gerber rep.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My pediatrician said that he could have up to 2 ounces a day of whole milk along with formula. So we will be giving him some milk in a sippy cup each day, but also some of the formula. I'll keep nursing him when I am home and at night until he is around 12-13 months. The issue with the milk is that it has too much protein for them to process and if they have too much it can cause bloody stool.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My pediatrician said that he could have up to 2 ounces a day of whole milk along with formula. So we will be giving him some milk in a sippy cup each day, but also some of the formula. I'll keep nursing him when I am home and at night until he is around 12-13 months. The issue with the milk is that it has too much protein for them to process and if they have too much it can cause bloody stool.

    Good to know! I just never bothered to ask why no milk before 12 months (which always seemed funny to me because formula has cow's milk in it). Interesting :)

    I figured you'd probably checked on the milk thing with your doctor but didn't want anyone else to come in and think, "Sweet! I can quit buying expensive formula and give my baby whole milk!"