1st day back at work and got sick

I'm sure this has been covered before but what advice / experience do you have with foaming/vomiting? This was the first time for me since surgery (Feb 12). I felt sick at work right after lunch. The only thing I had for lunch was Hillshire 2 oz of deli thin-sliced turkey which I thought I chewed really well but it just didn't want to go down or stay down. Waited to leave until I was sure I wasn't going to throw up but had to pull over on the side of the freeway on the way home to throw up.

Now I'm back to teeny, tiny sips of a protein drink. Even water was making me nauseous. Is that the right thing to do? Just return to baseline, liquid diet and start slowly adding in foods again? I'm not feeling confident about eating again.


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I recommend making your own soups out of ground meats. I had a terrible time with chicken. No matter how I chewed it, it would mat up and get stuck. My food had to be super wet the first 8wks. Canned soups can be super high in salt and carbs which is why I recommend you make your own.
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    Thanks! That makes sense. The only other meat I've tried eating has been ground turkey which I put in soup and it went down and stayed down well. I'll definitely be doing that today.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Agreed. The only time in the last 10 months that I came close to being ill was after eating too dry turkey. Ironically, I had just answered a call from the nurse when I got ill. Talk about timing.

    As mangopickle said, keep everything as moist as you can. If you start to chew something and it even seems dry, don't swallow. Soups, stews, etc are going to be your friends for the next few weeks. Ground meats, maybe, but again they need to be in something to keep them moist. (I also agree about the salt content of processed soups, but sometimes you have to do it.)

    Honestly at three weeks out, I think I was still on pureed foods.

    Give yourself the time you need for that stomach to heal.
  • golconda
    golconda Posts: 14
    If you like tuna, I found that it was perfect if you use some no/low fat mayo and now that I can have some crackers they are perfect. and I also found that turkey can be best if sliced. I think dry turkey would have made me ill.