fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
Hi Guys!!! I can not even apologize enough about my absence to this challenge. I have been overwhelmed with selling our home in Italy and buying a new home here in the states. We are closing on the new house by the end of this month. It is all happening so quickly! And the SNOW has definately taken a toll on me!!!! I am soooo looking forward to warmer weather!

OK.... time to get to the challenge: Let's take this week to focus on some spiritual healing :) Basically I would like for each of us to post on this thread:

1. 5 things that you want to accomplish today. You will post on here daily 5 things that you want to accomplish each day. It can be 5 or 2 or 10 things.... up to you. They do not need to be difficult of even weightloss related. (EX: drink water, no sugar, smile more, clean the kitchen.....)

2. Thank you Universe..... Post a daily THANK YOU to the UNIVERSE. (EX: Thank you for allowing me to go to the gym today, Thank you for my kids)

I wish everyone an awesome week!!!

Pam :)


  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    Five things I'd like to accomplish today:
    1. Finishing up those dirty dishes in the sink
    2. Turning the laptop on to finish financial aid stuff for school
    3. Organizing the babe's room
    4. Getting my 120 ounces of water in
    5. Getting to bed at a decent time
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Put God first today

    Drink more water

    Stay focused

    Be a better person than I was yesterday

    Dont sweat the small stuff
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    1- Put God first and read gods word
    2- make the homemade gluten free chicken soup for supper
    3- do 100 crunches
    4- walk 30 minutes on treadmill
    5- have herbal tea and no coffee today
  • tleonhardt
    tleonhardt Posts: 85 Member
    5 things I'd like to accomplish today:

    1) grocery shop for healthy food
    2) work-out
    3) have some time with Mark
    4) Read at least one chapter of Half Time
    5) complete phone calls for work:smile:
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Five things I'd like to accomplish today:

    1. morning run
    2. cuddle my puppy - she needs some attention. :-)
    3. reading for class
    4. improve my attitude - had a TERRIBLE day yesterday and it's still bothering me
    5. Empty the dishwasher

    Thanks to the universe for my friends and family who love and support me no matter what. I'm so lucky to have them.
  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    Day 1 recap:
    I accomplished everything except for my water, I think I was shy 20 or so ounces.

    Day 2:
    Grocery shopping for the week
    Meal prepping for the week
    Take free weights class at the gym
    Family time
    3 miles on elliptical
  • marisol2066
    marisol2066 Posts: 19 Member
    Drink more water than I did yesterday
    Hit the gym!
    Reading for school
    Stop being pissy to my boyfriend, he just wants to solve all of my problems! (being on my period is not a excuse)
    Enjoy the sunshine today
  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    Day 2 recap:
    After doing the free weights class the last thing I wanted to do was 3 miles on the elliptical. But I did 2 instead.

    Day 3:
    Keep my patience with two toddlers
    Go to the gym
    Clean up a bit
    Drink water
    Sleep early
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    1-get in more fiber
    2-100 crunches
    3-eat a greek yogurt every day this weeek
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Five things I'd like to accomplish today:

    1. morning run
    2. cuddle my puppy - she needs some attention. :-)
    3. reading for class
    4. improve my attitude - had a TERRIBLE day yesterday and it's still bothering me
    5. Empty the dishwasher

    Thanks to the universe for my friends and family who love and support me no matter what. I'm so lucky to have them.

    How did everyone do with their goals? I managed 3 out of the 5 - is that good? ;-)

    Today's goals:

    1. Zumba Intervals
    2. Study for my class and do some reading
    3. Laundry (ugh)
    4. Stretch before bed - I haven't stretched in awhile
    5. Make my grocery list

    This is fun!
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    1-grocery shop
    2-plan dinners for next week
    3-dust and vacuum
    5- 50-side bends w/8lb weight
  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    Day 3 recap: Sleep early... we are having a sleep regression or something here. My 15 month old just hates sleep and instead of listening to her scream in her crib we hang out in the living room until she's ready, so sleep early didn't happen.

    Day 4:
    dishes (why are there always SO many dishes)
    finish school forms
    go for a run -- this one is so hard, I've never gone for a run and I've been dying to do it, but i keep talking myself out of it. Maybe yping it on here will make me actually do it?
    eat a light dinner -- company tonight, always so hard but I'll do it.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Day 3 recap: Sleep early... we are having a sleep regression or something here. My 15 month old just hates sleep and instead of listening to her scream in her crib we hang out in the living room until she's ready, so sleep early didn't happen.

    Day 4:
    dishes (why are there always SO many dishes)
    finish school forms
    go for a run -- this one is so hard, I've never gone for a run and I've been dying to do it, but i keep talking myself out of it. Maybe yping it on here will make me actually do it?
    eat a light dinner -- company tonight, always so hard but I'll do it.

    OMG - I would suggest doing "Couch to 5K". You can download an app onto your phone or follow the program on your own. I NEVER EVER EVER was a runner until last summer when I did this program. It takes 8 weeks and gradually builds up to running a 5K. Running remains for me the hardest workout, but it makes me feel so good and produces great results. If you stick with it you'll notice the benefits! Since I finished the program I have run two 5Ks (running my 3rd next week) and I run 3.5 miles twice a week on my own. I noticed a big difference in my body and endurance after I started running. I also like that it's a workout you can do virtually anywhere. And you can do it outdoors, which is fun. This morning I ran along frozen Lake Michigan and the ice looked so cool! Another time I ran while visiting a friend in Colorado and was surrounded by mountains. And no matter how slow or short your run is, you're running faster and farther than you would be sitting on your couch. :-) Keep us posted on your progress!

    Also - my friend has a one year old and when I went to visit him he had the same problem as your little one. I kept waking up to the sound of the worst screaming I've ever heard! And before that he was sleeping through the night.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I made it to my class, did some studying (but not enough), laundry (although one of the machines pooped out so I had to finish it this morning), didn't get in a good stretch, but I DID make my grocery list. Today's five goals:

    1. Fold the laundry. :-)
    2. Morning run outside (brrrr)
    3. STRETCH - I really mean it this time
    4. Study guides for my class. Final is next week. :-/
    5. Grocery shopping

    THANK YOU to the universe for making my body healthy and strong to get me through good and bad times. I have had a really, really rough work week. Maybe the toughest I've faced. Instead of turning to food and depression, I pushed myself to workout and be active. Even though I still felt a lot of anxiety, I know it would have been a thousand times worse if I had curled up in a ball and given up. Yay endorphins!
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    5 things I want to do every day this week

    1) Stay within my calorie goal or slightly below
    2) Get an hour of exercise each day, combo cardio and weights
    3) Drink 6 glasses of water a day
    4) Stay off the coffee (caffiene bothers me)
    5) Do some yoga and/ or meditation each day
  • AZRunnerGirlinErie
    AZRunnerGirlinErie Posts: 98 Member
    3/10 Daily Things I would like to do:
    1) Make all appointments for the week
    2) 4 Days of exercise
    3) Focus on a Paleo diet
    4) Sleep and rejuvenate

    Thank the universe for my health.
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Drink more water than I did yesterday - im there because I didnt get but 32 ounces on Sunday

    Lift weights - I have been saying I am going to do it for weeks and haven't done it yet (what am I waiting on)

    Work hard on losing 16 pounds by June 23...I am in a challenge with a friend so I need to step up my game.