
Hello! I am new to this group...having my sleeve done one week from today, ahhhh! So, nerves are setting in...any advice, tips or just chat would be appreciated :) Thanks!


  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Totally normal to be nervous! I was almost a no-show the morning of the surgery. But I went through with it and everything was fine. I consider it one of the best decisions I've ever made.

    Let us know how you do :)
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    #1: Follow your doctor's orders/recommendations/etc.

    Other than that, here are some things to expect right after surgery that I didn't consider.

    1. The difficulty of sipping. You will need to have your protein shakes ready to consume and take small sips ALL DAY LONG. This is totally annoying but necessary for strength and fluids.

    2. Movement. You will need to get up an walk. This helps you recover and make a BM. Your incisions will ache/hurt. Simple movements will tug and ache, so stay on top of your pain meds.

    3. Gas/Nausea/Heartburn/Frothing: Right after surgery, I had frothing (bile/not throw up). This went away with anti-nausea meds at the hospital. Since you're full of gas, you will need to take the chewable gas-x, which was probably prescribed by the doc already. Just take it. (Same thing with the Pepcid...just take it until the doc recommends you to not take it anymore.)

    4. Hunger: Those are head hungers...not real hungers. You'll be okay, just sip, sip, sip!

    5. For the first 3 days post op, I was miserable. After that, it has been smooth sailing. If I can survive and be successful, you can too!

    (Anyone needing advice or friendship, please add me! I was sleeved on 6/14/12.)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Hey, it could be worse. The doc delayed my surgery when i was prepped and ready to roll into the OR. If they hadn't locked up my clothes, I would probably have bolted! (Sure glad I didn't!)

    I didn't have any of the acid stomach problems, so I'd not jump into the meds for that unless needed. We are all different, but neither my wife nor I had problems. In fact our prescriptions are still in the cabinet unopened.

    Sipping, absolutely YES! Stay hydrated and feel better.

    Walking is crucial for getting rid of the gas pains. In fact, if you haven't been told, the gas pains can manifest almost anywhere, mine were in my chest and shoulders. The more you walk, the faster those go away.

    Again, I didn't have hunger. On the other hand, I could feel the fluids I drank hit the swelling at the top of my stomach and slowly drain in. That was unusual and mildly entertaining. :laugh:

    While neither my wife nor I required assistance, it is strongly recommended you do have someone around who can help you if needed. (Our 20 year old son was thrilled with that chore. He's probably happy about our not needing anything either!)

    Mostly, try to relax. Think how much your life will improve as the weight comes off. It is all worth it!
  • chiwookc
    chiwookc Posts: 5
    Thank you all for your advice! I really appreciate it and am glad I found this group for support :)
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Follow your Doc's instructions.
    Sip all day, (and all night for me in the very beginning). It was hard to stay hydrated until the swelling went down, (about 2 weeks). Set a timer on your phone if you must to remind you to drink every 15 minutes in the beginning
    Get your protein and vitamins\minerals. I have a supplement reminder alarm several times per day, even 5 months out
    WALK as soon as you are able and do it often