This board

angbieb Posts: 692 Member
Hey guys,

Sorry this board doesn't seem to be active, I think I'm just going to delete it. :ohwell:


  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Oh my gosh sorry I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days, my lab Annie had to go to the vet, luckily for us the doc said as far as he can tell right now it doesn't look like her cancer is returning. However I am a stress eater so I have been doing absolutely awful on my diet because all this with the dog has been super stressful, and it might get more so because if she doesn't improve it could still be her cancer returning, the doc just doesn't think so though so I am gonna try to stress out less about it. Also it just wont stop raining, it has been raining all week so I have been doing core work outs and like no cardio work outs so I haven't been burning allot of calories on top of eating wrong, jeez this whole thing is hard. Whelp here's to hopefully having a better day tomorrow, cause from now on I am gonna try to post at least once a day.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Oh my god it was to cold to go jogging outside to day and I am soo tired from work I just can't make myself do my core workout today, but I am feeling better about my diet today, I have managed to stick to it today, with a healthy sandwich for lunch full of veggies and a healthy chicken dinner to top of the day, hopefully tomorrow will be just as good as today, and starting next week I am going to try to jog at least a half hour every day. How about you guys how have you been doing?
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I hope you don't mind, I changed the group name (no delete anymore) and set it as private.
    We can do this