Will lifting make my fat pooch out?

JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
I posted this on the main boards then realized I might be some beneficial responses from this group.

So I have a little dilemma and am having second thoughts. Previously I did strong lifts and then I kinda stopped. I focused mainly on cardio. However on Sunday I started lifting again. I tip the scales at a whopping 291. I want to lose the fat while I maintain the muscle I have. Here's my dilemma. When I previously was lifting I had a friend who was doing the program with me. She's bigger than I am. I think she weighs less but I also had previously built muscle so my size is smaller . She won't restart lifting with me because she said it's going to make my fat pooch out even more and I'll just get bigger.
Here's a breakdown of my week.
3 days a week I plan on lifting followed by 30 mins of basketball or jogging or whatever my legs will allow.
3-4 days a week I will do an hour of cardio. I'm about 3 weeks into C25K and then I finish out the hour with some inclines.
I eat at or under my calorie goal so I know I won't build muscle just retain what's there.
Here's my question(s)
1. If I continue this way will my belly fat really pooch out.?
2. I know a scale loss will slow or stop but won't I get smaller?
3. Am I crazy for wanting to start lifting when I'm this fat?
4. Should I stop lifting a no back to my cardio 7 days a week? I'm getting really damn sick of staring at a treadmill screen. (It's too cold and icy here in MT to take my jogs outside yet)

Please help me out so I can feel confident that what I'm doing will work and not make me bigger.

* I used the term pooch out because that is what my friend told me her doctor said.


  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    O_o fat pooch out, REALLY?!

    I wouldn't worry about it. At your weight, and given you're most likely still a novice lifter, you'll not only make good gains on the program, but even if you eat below maintenance, you should lose some fat AND build a bit of muscle. If anything, the whole eating healthy and getting exercise will make your skin firmer, your muscles more defined, and the fat will slowly melt off.

    You can still add in some decent cardio even while doing SL. And there is absolutely no need to hamster away on a treadmill all the time. There are so many other cardio options out there! Be it HIIT, interval resistance training, "finishers". Switch it up! Some of my favorite setups only include a kettlebell and bodyweight! If you have the space/equipment, sprints or prowler pushes or sled pushes will get your lungs burning. Crank out a few push-ups, hold a plank to catch your breath, learn to do burpees, throw in some kettlebell swings and not only will you be getting cardi, but you'll be working your core as well!

    In the end though, do what you like, and only YOU can judge if you like the results or not.

    I'd also avoid a doctor that says stuff like that (if they do, sounds a bit like an excuse to me but hey)...
  • HappyBouncyJello
    HappyBouncyJello Posts: 14 Member
    Nope, lift!

    I'm 5'7 and down to 271. I started lifting about a month ago, and I've lost 1.5 inches off my waist. I did notice a little water retention when I started, but it didn't last. And, yes the scale has slowed down, but hey, inches off!