
Hi everyone. I am a 33-yr old mom of 3 kids (all under age 6). I went back to work 10 weeks after having my baby, who is now 7 months old. Like all moms, I love my kids, but man! With each child, it seems to be harder and harder to lose the baby weight. They say that nursing helps the weight come off, but it just made me hungrier! How I am really cracking down and focusing on healthy eating and exercise, but every day is a challenge. Any suggestions for making meals easier?


  • cyrostien
    cyrostien Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for starting this group :) I'm also a working mom with a one year old. It seems like life is 10x harder to deal with! The only thing that seems to work for me is to make stuff ahead of time. For example, Sunday afternoon, I cut up strawberries, kiwi and threw in grapes and blueberries for a healthy fruit salad. I hard boiled eggs for a quick breakfast. Though I'm not perfect - I just ate half a pint of ben and jerry's and had a handful of chips. LOL sorry I'm not much help...I'm trying to figure this out too. I feel like if I could just get out of the habit or breakout of this rut, I'd be good to go.