3/7/14: H2O

Water is essential indeed our bodies are made up of anywhere between 51%-75% water! If we don't ingest enough fluid, dehydration can set in quickly. To gauge the importance of water relative to food, consider that severe dehydration can lead to death within a matter of days, whereas we can go for weeks without food.

It's important to realize that we can get our fluid requirements from the food we eat, as well as the fluids we drink. For instance, an orange is 87% water! Good sources of water are:
 Fruits & Vegetables
 Drinks, especially non-caffeinated ones like fruit juice
 And the best source of all… good ol water!

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor and 10 being great) how would you rate your overall hydration? What are some things you could do to increase this number? What are some good tips to staying hydrated throughout the day?


  • My overall intake of liquids throughout the day is about 7. I drink at least 1-2 bottles or water and sometimes soda. I can increase this by drinking more water in the morning and throughout school. The tips I would give is to make drinking water a habit, like eating dinner. Also for convenience to have bottled water near by.
  • My overall intake today was just a chicken sandwich and a lemon lime Gatorade in lunch. No snacks in between, I really didn't eat much today. I don't like eating breakfast really so I don't eat in the morning. But yesterday I had a cinnamon roll and a sprite. And that was it. No breakfast again and I didn't eat dinner.
  • My overall hydration i would say is a 9. I keep myself drinking water, juice, eating fuit, or veggies. Whenever i crave something i get it! I drink a lot of water because i do need to stay fit and i may be fast food or unhealthy food but i don't all the time. I drink and eat a lot of healthy stuff. Mainly water! I would just say to at least have a little healthy snack with you throughout the day and a water bottle.
  • my overal intake on liquids is mostly water and gatorade. i dont eat much because im trying to get in shape. in school i drink juice and gatorade because it makes me feel good. im trying to make drinking water a habit and no more soda:smile:
  • my overall hydration would be a 6 i am trying to drink more water and veggies and stay away from sugary drinks!
  • My overall hydration would be 6. Some things that would help me increase would be drinking more water and eat more veggies everday. A good way to stay hydrate is to work out and drink a lot of water.
  • Jo'Nazia, I dont really like eating breakfast either. Dinner is my favorite time to eat. Oh, and gatorade is great. Though, seems like you need more water. Haha.
  • was it good
  • Good job bae, stay healthy okay? and drink more water it gets better and water becomes good to you! Keep trying you'll see how it'll make you healthier. (: ;* your cute btw.
  • You drink more water then me :)
  • Our overall hydration is both a 6. I also think eating veggies everyday can help with increasing your hydration.
  • we have the same hydration and I'm trying to drink more water too. I love veggies.