Prep Schedule

MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
Just wondered if any of you guys are going through the Prep Schedule? I'm just finishing up with week four, so five more to go until I'm properly out of the starting blocks in terms of the regular schedule. Did you guys see any significant changes just from doing the Prep? I'm shocked by how much more toned my body is becoming, and all that yoga during the 40 minute stretch sessions and improved my flexibility massively. I didn't expect to see too many changes just from this 'easing-in' period, but something's obviously working!!!


  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    You've peaked my interest.... I haven't heard of a "Prep Schedule". I think I will Google that. :smile:

    I have laxed on Turbo Fire but obviously need to get back to it. My work schedule changed - I'm getting home later in the PM - so I'm working out in the AM but I can't do that crazy of a workout in the AM so I've been doing You Tube workouts....still hard but to the level of TF. :heart:

    But You've motivated me to at least try :flowerforyou: ...maybe I'll just do more of the modified moves until I build up to doing the full workout.
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    If you have the book that came with the TurboFire kit, the prep schedule is in there. It's an additional 9 week which you can follow before starting the schedule proper - gives your body a chance to get used to the work-outs and eases you in slowly so you're ready to take on the HIIT classes.
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm about to start the Prep Schedule on Monday. In addition to the toning, have you had weight loss? I have a little over 30 pounds I would like to lose so would like to see some weight loss as well. I would like to stick only with this Prep Schedule right now if it will help with the weight loss. Should this be enough (along with going with calorie goal set by MFP) or do I need to add more (cardio or strength wise; was originally thinking of adding 30 Day Shred in with this but I just don't want to do too much). Any advice is appreciated!! Looks like you obviously are doing very well with the Prep Schedule! :)
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    I'm actually doing TurboFire at the same time as Jillian Michael's Body Revolution - I finished week 4 of the TF Prep Schedule today (yay!) and I've lost 6.5lbs since starting those programs last month, although some of that I'm sure is down to BR as well. I would say kicking off with TF Prep is a great way to start on the road to your weight loss goals and you should definitely get some results out of it. Be prepared that it's designed to ease you in to the regular program week by week, so you're not going to see a Fire cardio workout EVERY day - but don't skip all the stretching and toning classes in between - they really help build muscle and flexibility which will help you burn more calories when you do do the cardio classes - and that means more calories!! Good luck!
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you for your feedback. I have contemplated (and even started) Body Revolution a few times but seem unable to stick with it at this point. I'm glad to see that someone else is doing the Prep Schedule along with something else and seeing great results. I might try a week just Prep Schedule then and see how I feel and then add in something of Jillian's (either Body Revolution or 30 Day Shred) if I feel I can handle an extra workout! :) I think your results using both are fantastic! Congrats on your success so far, and I hope to see such results myself! Thank you again! :)