new to the group

pennyp00 Posts: 8 Member
Hi, I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS 14 years ago when i started trying to concieve. When i found out what it was and what it did to me I figured i must have had it since i was 18. I would go a whole quarter in college with no period. So I got on metformin back then lost 30 pounds and concieved my son 2 months after starting it and 2 years later i had a daughter. i've been off and on metformin over the years as it's just plain yucky to my stomach at times. I am back on it now for 2 weeks but only 500mg a day. I never lost weight in-between. I've been told to go on sugar busters and everything else low-carb. I've tried every diet and pill out there. I've lost weight only to gain back more. I am back on this journey at the heaviest that i've ever been and i am frustrated and tired. It seems like everytime i try to lose weight, i gain weight. So i guess i'm just here for help and support because my husband and my family doesn't really understand how hard it is for me to lose weight. But I know that I need to in order to just feel better. I also have all of the ugly symptoms of hair in places and thinning hair which doesn't help how i feel. Thanks for at least listening to me today.:smile: