This is a Poem Inspired by the Holy Spirit given to My Mom Darlene Flora
Hope you like it


I hear the rumblings, I feel the tumblings,
I hear the rumors, I’ve seen the wars.
I hear and see your hatred for your brothers,
Just because they have a different skin color.

The earth is reeling, and its rocking, earthquakes there a shocking,
People scoffing and mocking.
What else is in store?
This can’t be the returning of the Lord, we’ve heard it before.

The waves are roaring from the sea to the shore,
All nature is howling, men and animals growling and prowling.
Men’s hearts are failing,
Perplexity in the nations, distress in situations.

I am not afraid, I am not dismayed,
This is the day the Lord has made.
I will not be scared or sad, my mind is stayed on the Lord,
I will rejoice and be glad.

I see the lightening, it’s not frightening,
I hear the thunder, I sense the storm on the horizon.
I have peace and safety in the midst of the storm.

I am excited, I am delighted to know my Lord
Is closer than He has ever been before.
He is just about ready to open His heavenly door.

I can almost hear the trumpet, it’s not too distant now,
There is something different in the air.
I can feel it, I can smell it, I can tell it, everywhere all around.

There is a sound, it is intense, it is profound,
A sound that I am longing to hear,
The sound of the trumpet,
A voice like many waters, come up hither!

Jesus is returning, He is very near,
He that hath an ear, let him hear!

A Song
Inspired by the Spirit
Darlene Elizabeth Flora
