And off we go again :-)

NicksWTB Posts: 54 Member
I really need to lose 2 stone. I feel like a massive big lump, even though I regularly exercise and am currently training for a 26 mile walk in London on 10th May. I don't sit at home eating crisps or stuffing my face with chocolate and sweets and biscuits, but I am really struggling to lose weight.

I absolutely hate the way I look, so the only way I can change this is by logging what I eat - I think this is the most sensible way forward and I will be able to see where I'm going wrong.

So, off we go again, and I really need to do this for more than 2 weeks this time. I am relatively fit due to the exercise plan I have (I walked 14 miles yesterday, doing extreme spin after work tonight, a 2-3 mile run tomorrow, spin on Wednesday and zumba on Thursday) so this isn't where the problem lies - it's what I'm eating.

Any help and support would be very welcome indeed - I WILL log my food every day and I will increase the amount of water I drink too as this is another thing I don't do very well.

So, off we go again...........I really really want to be posting in a few weeks time that I've started to lose some weight!!!


  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    Ever thought of incorporating some weight training into your routine?

    I was in the same situation but now doing 5x5 stronglift training, I am not saying my weight is dropping off, however I can see huge improvements in the way by body looks.

    If you increase your muscle mass your will ultimatley increase your metabolism & don't be scared to lift heavy stuff either....I love lifting, I still do cardio but lifting really has changed my life....

    I lift 3 times a week, do about 2 kettlebell classes per week and then the rest of the time do cardio which tends to be a bit of running and HIIT training....
  • NicksWTB
    NicksWTB Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks MissB46. There is a kettlebell class at the leisure centre where I do spinning, so I will have to give it a go. I saw a bit of it through the window last week and I must admit, it scared me a little. However, I'll give it a go!

    thanks :-)
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    Kettlebells are the best!!! And trust me if you pick a decent weight (I work with 16kg) you will get a really good workout, even if you consider yourself being fit.

    As a starter and as you say you are reasonably fit, I would recommend a 8kg. Make sure to focus on good form and get the basics right as you can really injure yourself if you do the moves wrong, but any decent teacher should pick up on that.

    Keep moving the weight up once you feel comfortable with it as I think it's important to challenge yourself with these type of workouts....

    I have been working with kettlebells for about 2 years now and I still find them very challenging. I am hoping to move to a 18kg very soon but that means I would have to invest in my own bell...enjoy!!!:smile: