How do I lose a bunch of weight in one month?!

I am so sick of being large, i need to get rid of this weight. I workout and eat pretty healthy but i still do not know what to do?! it isnt working for me at all!!


  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member

    I see you've just joined MFP! Welcome. The bad news is: there is no healthy way to lose a "bunch of weight", as you put it. But there is a sustainable way of losing weight steadily and slowly over a prolonged period of time that will keep the weight off permanently. Log daily, continue to exercise, and even chat to friends once in a while.

    This is a very supportive place to get tips, advice, and even some motivation.

    I'm by no means an expert. In fact, I'm kinda a newbie myself (only 2 months). So I have friends on my group list that are way more experienced than me, and some who are exactly where I am. It's really great.

    The best way to lose weight is between 0.5-1.5kgs a week. You can go more, but it's risky.