overpronation in the feet

hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
Does anyone else pronate in their feet? I do and while I currently lift in vibrams, I think (and have heard) that it could cause problems with my knees? My feet do tend to turn in when I rise from a squat if I'm not paying attention. I googled the problem and Rippetoe's forum suggested buying a true lifting shoe and fitting in an insert for the pronation. Anyone else have/heard some ideas?


  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    I have hypermobile ankles which causes a slight supination of my ankles which I work or correcting the weakness at the joint with a lot of single leg balance stuff and its slowly getting better. My sports physio never said that squatting would affect my knees though.

    Do you overpronate due to the ankle stability or collapsed arch? I would look to fix the overpronation and just carry on as you are unless you are already having knee issues
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I've never been to a podiatrist so not sure what one would say, but when I got fitted for running shoes I got stability shoes. It's not as bad some people you see, I have never worn out the inside treads of my shoes and I don't have knee issues. But my mom's side of family is arthritis prone in the feet and knees and my dad has really bad feet so I don't want to go there as long as possible. I'm thinking if I could find the right shoe insert it'd be fine to keep my arches from collapsing as long as its not providing too much cushion otherwise. Maybe I'll add in some single leg stuff too to see if that helps any.