Focus T25 Support



  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm excited I found this support group! Tomorrow I am starting week 3 of Alpha. I am so happy with all the changes I'm seeing! I've lost weight and inches, my blood pressure and endurance are better. I'm sleeping better and have more energy. But most important I feel happier. I have been struggling with depression lately and I don't know if its the increased endorphins from working out or the sense of accomplishment and pride or what it is, but its definitely helping!

    Yay I found a buddy. I started week 3 today. I am sleeping better and have noticed a significant improvement in my depression/anxiety issues. I think I'm feeling energized and better about myself which is making my mood much better. Glad I found this group :)
  • asherman1008
    It's amazing how a little excersize and healthier eating can make you feel so much better. I notice I am much happier and have more energy on days that I work out which is great. I used to just dread doing stuff around the house when I got home from work but now that I get up and exercise in the morning I don't mind coming home and getting some laundry done :) And best of all, I have more energy to play with my girls at night too :D
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    I know we need them, but rest days scare me!! I'm afraid I will lose my motivation :-/ So today was Ab Intervals and I feel like I completely failed it! There were a few moves they were doing that I was sitting there thinking "how the heck do they do that?!" it was kinda discouraging, but I was dripping sweat (and I can feel some of the burn in my tummy just sitting here now) so my efforts must have accomplished something...can't wait till I do the workouts and can keep up (I feel like a broken record haha)!!

    I understand - I get that way too - so I treat myself to a walk, or light yoga or something that is non taxing....then I can say I did something....