What's our 2014 horse related goals?



  • aconybelle
    aconybelle Posts: 20 Member
    My horse and I both need to lose some weight. My short term goal is getting back on after a long hiatus.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    My goals
    1. lose some more weight, I hate trotting by the mirrors in the arena and seeing my giant blob of a self on the horse.
    2. I also would love for Lance aka Mr.Grumpy, to stop being so dang pushy and just trot when I ask and not fly into a canter and nearly run another students mother over LOL
    3. Get Mr.Grumpy to listen to my leg commands to maybe enter him into one dressage class/show.

    Also FYI this is a barn/lesson horse. How they decided he was ready for that I will never know x3 As the other girl at the barn who rides him is terrified of him as he breaks into the canter with her as well when asking for a trot. She has never cantered before...well till she rode Lance ;) LMFAO..
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Summer Goal!! I need to get my 2000 lb 18hh Perch to learn some ground manners and confidence. He is a little herd-bound, and gets anxious alone. He is new to me, so we have a lot of trust to build up this Summer!

    I so understand what you mean with ground manners!! I ride a Perch/QH 15.4hh and about 1900lbs. He throws his weight around at me so hardcore in and out of the saddle..I feel like I ride a 4yr old when I ride him!! he is 13yrs!!