
Let's introduce ourselves! To encourage you to introduce yourself without feeling the pressure to write a novel, here’s a list of 7 simple questions. Copy and paste these in the comment section with your answers.
2.Where you live
4.Favorite Shakeology® flavor
5.One part of your body you’d like to work on
the most
6.What you usually have for breakfast
7.What food(s) you dislike


  • Hello! Nice to meet you all...

    1. My name is Christina
    2. I am from Alberta, Canada.
    3. I currently work in the hospitality industry.
    4. My favorite shako flavor is vanilla (though that's a tough one, since I have three of them that I just rotate each day)
    5. I would love to lose fat from my midsection the most!
    6.Breakfast really depends on what shift I work that day. If I work the very very early shift I usually eat greek yogurt & fruit.. if I have the morning free then I make shakeology.
    7.I dislike spinach, only because im very allergic to it.. I also do not eat beets, red cabbage, tomatoes (unless cooked) or ginger.
  • Jennimillerrn
    Jennimillerrn Posts: 11 Member
    1. Jenni
    2. Surprise AZ
    3. RN
    4.Greenberry-but having a bit of trouble with texture and justifying calories :)
    5. abdomen
    6.protein shake (premier protein)
    7. Fish!!! LOL
  • shess72
    shess72 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello Everyone! I was excited to find this group, I hope people are participating. I just started T25 yesterday and am really looking forward to the challenge!

    1. Sue Ann
    2. Seattle WA
    3.Office Administrator
    4.Umm yeah, I am way to cheap for Shakology =), purchasing T25 was like Christmas and Birthday combined. My 15 yr old daughter and I spent a lot of time trying to find something that would fit both of our schedules and needs, I need weight loss she wants definition.
    5.All of it really, but I guess mostly probably my waist
    6.Dates and Walnut Oatmill.
    7.Cooked carrets! Can not even swallow them. Also, things like butternut squash. Things that are sweet and mushy do not seem to be my thing.