What do you do when injured?

I have some nasty tendonitis that I've been directed to rest for 4-6 weeks. I'm on Day 6 and I'm going CRAZY. My legs are twitching, begging me to run. And I'm {this close} to crying because I had to drop out of a half this weekend. It's my first DNS.

How am I gonna get through this, not hitting the pavement? Anyone?


  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    I was on forced off time for over 2 months after my first half. It sucked. But, I found new, fun stuff to do that kept me entertained. I took swimming lessons, I delved into nutrition and strength training to supplement my running. I spent more time with my boyfriend! Keep things in perspective--you'll be back at it soon and being off might actually end up a good experience! (I know, I know...easy for folks who are not off to say!). Hope you heal well and hit the pavement soon!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    February 2012 I sprained my ankle three days before a half marathon. I ran it anyway. And a 4 mike mud run two weeks later. That didn't help it any. So I let it "rest". And didn't run for over a month but lifted lots of weights (including adding considerable weight to my squat and deadlift because I figured no impact was fine not thinking the pressure wasn't helping it - not thinking at all really). It got worse. So I finally went to the doctor who sent me to PT. where I was told I was an idiot. In late June I was cleared to ease back into running. They gave me a 12 week plan. It took a couple more months to get to 100%. I'm great now but if I had just rested and not been stupid in the first place I probably could have been back running sooner and be farther along than I am now. And run the full last month instead of the half.

    TL;DR: REST!
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Used an elliptical at the gym after a knee scope.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Swim for a week, get bored, start back running anyway. Not saying that's the best plan, but that's what I do.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Totally feel your pain! I had ankle surgery 5 weeks ago. DNS for my Feb half. Still not walking and it will be several months before I can run again. My plan is to get into the pool, and then onto the bike as soon as the doctor allows it. In the meantime I've just been lifting, all upper body. I'm pretty much a raging b*tch. Wine helps.
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    Depending on the injury, I row. Its the only other exercise I've found that can give me the same feeling for a workout as a run. I tried aqua running when I did my peroneal tendon and it was worse than 10 miles on a treadmill.. So boring and frustrating I was close to suicidal in under 500 metres...