Concealed Carry Holsters

jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
Any of you conceal carry while running (legally, of course)? What kind of holster do you use and what size (subcompact, compact, standard) pistol do you carry when you run?


  • cmsmj1
    cmsmj1 Posts: 66 Member
    In for the education - you guys and gals are madder than a box of frogs - We love you guys, but this is so far outside the normalcy of the world I live in that I am genuinely interested to see where this goes.

    I cannot be arsed carrying anything when running - let along a firearm! Is it that bad that you might need one where you run?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Running is the ONLY time I don't carry. And it's mostly because I haven't been able to find a way to do it comfortably. I don't like carrying ANYTHING extra. My lightest gun weighs 15 ounces loaded and it's still too heavy to carry while running. I'd also be worried about excessive sweat. I can see maybe carrying in a little backpack if you run with one anyway but then it's not very accessible.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    There was a very long thread about this if the Fitness forum a while back.

    There are companies that make fitness gear specifically for this purpose. I have seen compression underwear with a built in holster and also a compression holster that was similar to a bra that had the holster kind of over the left pectoral.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    If I ever run through Dayton, I will go with nothing less than an RPG and a sword.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Any of you conceal carry while running (legally, of course)? What kind of holster do you use and what size (subcompact, compact, standard) pistol do you carry when you run?

    I use a fanny pack for carrying when running. I carry a Walther P99 9mm. When not running, I hate the fanny pack and use an inside the waistband kydex holster. As far as the size of the Walther, it's compact. About the same size as a Glock 19. Just right for me. My wife like smaller/lighter so she carries a Glock 27 which is a subcompact .40 S&W,

    Here's a pic of the Walther:

    ETA: sorry, I should have resized the pic. Too lazy to do it now. :o)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    There was a very long thread about this if the Fitness forum a while back.

    There are companies that make fitness gear specifically for this purpose. I have seen compression underwear with a built in holster and also a compression holster that was similar to a bra that had the holster kind of over the left pectoral.

    Lets hope this one doesn't go the way those usually do.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    There was a very long thread about this if the Fitness forum a while back.

    There are companies that make fitness gear specifically for this purpose. I have seen compression underwear with a built in holster and also a compression holster that was similar to a bra that had the holster kind of over the left pectoral.

    Lets hope this one doesn't go the way those usually do.

    It's a smaller crew that "knows" each other a little better, so it will probably be a bit more civil, or not...I am filing this one under "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" :o)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    There was a very long thread about this if the Fitness forum a while back.

    There are companies that make fitness gear specifically for this purpose. I have seen compression underwear with a built in holster and also a compression holster that was similar to a bra that had the holster kind of over the left pectoral.

    Lets hope this one doesn't go the way those usually do.

    It's a smaller crew that "knows" each other a little better, so it will probably be a bit more civil, or not...I am filing this one under "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" :o)

    This was my thought. I stay totally out of the ones in the main forums.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    There was a very long thread about this if the Fitness forum a while back.

    There are companies that make fitness gear specifically for this purpose. I have seen compression underwear with a built in holster and also a compression holster that was similar to a bra that had the holster kind of over the left pectoral.

    Lets hope this one doesn't go the way those usually do.

    It's a smaller crew that "knows" each other a little better, so it will probably be a bit more civil, or not...I am filing this one under "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" :o)

    This was my thought. I stay totally out of the ones in the main forums.

    Yeah, this place is tame compared the the "general pop" haha
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    There was a very long thread about this if the Fitness forum a while back.

    There are companies that make fitness gear specifically for this purpose. I have seen compression underwear with a built in holster and also a compression holster that was similar to a bra that had the holster kind of over the left pectoral.

    Lets hope this one doesn't go the way those usually do.

    It's a smaller crew that "knows" each other a little better, so it will probably be a bit more civil, or not...I am filing this one under "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" :o)

    This was my thought. I stay totally out of the ones in the main forums.

    I actually said the same to sjohnny when I saw he had commented on it that it was bound to turn bad until I realized it was posted in here.

    OP - can't help, it's not legal here.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This place has compression shirts and shorts with holsters built into them

    Kinda expensive if you don't know it will work for you. I'm pretty sure that for me these would still be uncomfortable but I got to a point where even carrying my phone in an armband was annoying. I think the biggest I would want to carry in one of these things would be a Ruger LCP or something that size and I just don't care for .380.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?

    Because Rick Perry
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    The only time my husband does not carry is when he is out exercising and at church. He's a sheriff and the city he works for is not a very nice city.

    All be it for us to run into an ex-inmate who will recognize him and not be happy that hubby made him obey the rules while incarcerated.

    There have been times when he has asked me to please head to the bathroom with our son and come out a few minutes later. He does not want the inmates or ex-inmates knowing he has a family. He also does not wear his wedding band to work. (I know almost all the deputies on his shift, so I'm not worried about this).
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've never felt the need but I'd like to have the choice..... (we have some of the stupidest gun laws imaginable in Canada)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?

    Google "jogger assaulted", that should answer your question. Or "jogger bitten by dog".
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?

    Google "jogger assaulted", that should answer your question. Or "jogger bitten by dog".

    I won't argue with the assaulted part even if I wouldn't carry one for that reason, I can see why others would.
    For a dog, personally, a gun would not be my choice. A dog is a very small, fast moving target to hit even for someone who is a good shot. I'd prefer OC (pepper) spray for that.

    ETA - The preference is not due to being a dog lover. I love dogs, I do not love dog attacks.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?

    Google "jogger assaulted", that should answer your question. Or "jogger bitten by dog".

    I won't argue with the assaulted part even if I wouldn't carry one for that reason, I can see why others would.
    For a dog, personally, a gun would not be my choice. A dog is a very small, fast moving target to hit even for someone who is a good shot. I'd prefer OC (pepper) spray for that.

    ETA - The preference is not due to being a dog lover. I love dogs, I do not love dog attacks.

    I understand. And for the record, I carry pepper spray when I run. Where I live and run, I don't worry too much about the two legged problems, but the four legged ones are.everywhere. It's not if, but when you encounter them.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?

    Google "jogger assaulted", that should answer your question. Or "jogger bitten by dog".

    I've hesitated to respond as I'm equally baffled by the need to carry when running, in an ostensibly civilised country. The only times I've personally had to carry whilst doing phys I've had a Sigg 229 in a drop leg holster, but I've been carrying an assault rifle and flash-bangs as well. If it's been a situation where I'm carrying covertly I've been working, and wearing body armour as well, so the question is a bit moot.

    I'd question proportionality of response, and the level of risk. That said I'm conscious that many people have a very different risk appetite and are less confident with the prospect of talking down a situation. Obviously that's heavily influenced by the knowledge that in the UK the majority if inter personal violence cases are domestic, or with a perpetrator known to the victim.

    The thread that Carson refers to upthread did flush out one case where I can see the potential benefit in carrying; large wild animals. While I can sympathise with the argument I'm not entirely convinced by it.

    Clearly in the UK we have reasonably restrictive weapon ownership laws, which became increasingly restrictive following two mass shootings in the late 80s and mid 90s. In both of those cases there were found to have been flaws in the legal process around ownership and approvals, so it wasn't really a proportionate response, but who expects proportionality from the legislature?

    From the perspective of a professionally trained weapon user, and competitive shottist, I really don't see the need to be carrying on a routine basis. If the legal framework allows, and someone really feels that it's proportionate, then fair enough.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I am still sitting here eating my apple trying to figure out why you would need to carry a pistol while out running??? Do you carry at the gym too?

    Google "jogger assaulted", that should answer your question. Or "jogger bitten by dog".

    I've hesitated to respond as I'm equally baffled by the need to carry when running, in an ostensibly civilised country. The only times I've personally had to carry whilst doing phys I've had a Sigg 229 in a drop leg holster, but I've been carrying an assault rifle and flash-bangs as well. If it's been a situation where I'm carrying covertly I've been working, and wearing body armour as well, so the question is a bit moot.

    I'd question proportionality of response, and the level of risk. That said I'm conscious that many people have a very different risk appetite and are less confident with the prospect of talking down a situation. Obviously that's heavily influenced by the knowledge that in the UK the majority if inter personal violence cases are domestic, or with a perpetrator known to the victim.

    The thread that Carson refers to upthread did flush out one case where I can see the potential benefit in carrying; large wild animals. While I can sympathise with the argument I'm not entirely convinced by it.

    Clearly in the UK we have reasonably restrictive weapon ownership laws, which became increasingly restrictive following two mass shootings in the late 80s and mid 90s. In both of those cases there were found to have been flaws in the legal process around ownership and approvals, so it wasn't really a proportionate response, but who expects proportionality from the legislature?

    From the perspective of a professionally trained weapon user, and competitive shottist, I really don't see the need to be carrying on a routine basis. If the legal framework allows, and someone really feels that it's proportionate, then fair enough.

    You don't need to run at all.

    From the perspective of a professional weapon user trainer I don't see need to be relevant. I also believe the ownership laws in my state to be much more reasonable than those in your country.

    And these types of responses (yours and mine) are why we can't have nice things.

    If the OP had asked for recommendations for a method to carry GU and water no one would have felt the need to debate the necessity of carrying those things while running.