Started nursing school and realized that I needed a change

julieriser Posts: 9 Member
Hi! I'm Julia!

I not only just moved to Florida of all places but I was accepted to nursing school and will start in April. I am so excited to finally be living my dream of becoming a nurse but I really feel that at the size I am I won't be taken seriously as a chubby person. I have started and stopped my weight loss journey but this time it really hit home, I finally saw that my weight is effecting more than just my looks it can also make my journey in school harder and the job its self harder.. I want/need a change and I'm on my way to do it..

Any tips or encouragement are welcomed!


  • mztaylor83
    mztaylor83 Posts: 7 Member
    im in the same boat. just started nursing school in January. Ive stopped and started weightloss numerous times and after starting school realized I wanted to look and be healthier so I can be taken more seriously, along with just simply looking better in my scrubs lol. honestly, id say start getting into the habit of working out regularly now, because when school starts and the latenight studying begins, its harder to get motivated.
  • julieriser
    julieriser Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah :/ I figured that was going to be a pain..
    I thought I'd probably work out early morning and then maybe later that night or when I get home from school.. I start next week and I'm excited but don't want my weight loss or exercise take a hit