PCOS and Reflux - Medication Connection?

clevine88 Posts: 4 Member
I'm currently being treated with a low dose BCP and Aldactone 50mg 2x/day since July 2013. Weightloss is said to help both of these issues, and I've lost a total of 60 lbs -16 of them in the last 8 months! I'm lactose intolerant so I avoid dairy, I rarely eat out or have fast food. Alcohol has become a 1-2x/month max. and usually is wine. I also stay relatively stress free and get my sleep.

I noticed reflux issues a month after starting Aldactone and went on Prilosec which helped a little, but didn't resolve it fully. I was upgraded to/had a severe reaction to Nexium, which led to an endoscopy done in October 2013 which showed an area of erosion and a prescription for Protonix. Protonix gave me severe headaches and caused my hair to completely fall out in clumps - talk about traumatic! :sad:

I've tried to use OTC's like Zantac and Gaviscon, while keeping my diet bland, but it seems like nothings working. I'm afraid of losing the rest of my hair by going back on PPI's, but It seems like there aren't any other options!

Has anyone else dealt with similar issues or have any tips on beating reflux for good without stopping BCP or Aldactone??